How soon can I do abdominal exercises?

I am 6 wks post i bought the ab force, i started working out with it today and i feel it working on my abs, but this is right in line with my scar and i did feel some pulling, do you think it is too soon to exercise this area, i am also walking 2 miles a day and riding the bike a mile, i hoping this will keep me from a tt, and it also great workout for my arms!    — kimberly G. (posted on January 13, 2001)

January 13, 2001
I'm not exactly sure how the ab force works, but my doc told me to start stomach crunches at 6 weeks. He said the soreness was from the inactivity of the muscles during recovery and that I needed to start strengthening them. Everything in moderation, even exercise! Start slowly and build up...Good luck with your exercise!
   — Allie B.

January 13, 2001
Ask your surgeon.
   — M B.

January 13, 2001
Wow! We sure do all hear different things! My Doctor told me NO abdominal crunches til after three months. He said I could walk, and do some non-abdominal exercises, but he said no way on the crunches. I started doing other exercises earlier and added crunches after he gave me the OK.
   — Kathy W.

January 13, 2001
I started doing sit ups at 20 days post op from Lap RNY. I would say ask your surgeon. He or she will know what is best for you.
   — Angela E.

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