My PCP denied my request for a referral letter today but...

My PCP denied my request for a referral letter today but he did specify that he would not refer any patient of his for that surgery (RNY) because of the risks involved. My BMI is 43.4 and wt. 260 I am curious can I somehow let the ins. co. know or will my surgeon let them know (Aetna PPO) that my PCP is not denying me in particular the referral, but he would not refer any patient... I would hope this would make a big difference! Please reply! OR feel free to email, thx! Renee [email protected]    — Renee D. (posted on February 21, 2001)

February 22, 2001
If the out-of-pocket cost is significant between being referred by your PCP and self-referring, then RUN, DON'T WALK to a new PCP! I had to change PCP (with Aetna - US Access) in order to get a referal. You might want to change PCP's in any case. Do you really want a PCP who is not supportive of you in your WLS and aftercare?
   — Gina E.

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