My insurance company will not pay, Now I feel like I'm going to die...

I know if I don't have this surgery soon I'm going to die. My insurance company will not pay and I have no way to pay. There must be someone out there that can help me find a way, I have looked everyplace I know of for help, with no luck. I know with the health problem I'm having I can't hold out much longer. I feel as though life is not worth living anymore.    — Cheryl P. (posted on March 16, 2001)

March 16, 2001
Hi Cheryl, I know this has to be painful...Alot of us were really lucky to get this surgery approved, seeing question that you posted made me feel bad for getting my approval so fast...Well I have a couple of ideas...Are you married? If so you can out his insurance policy to see if it has any exclusions...If you are not married, you can try to find an insurance company that will allow you to pay for your insurance out of pocket instead of through your job...A lot of insurance companies will allow you to buy a policy from them, even though you are not with a company..It might be a little expensive, but it will definitely be cheaper than paying for the surgery out of pocket...Make sure you ask them if the insurance goes into affect as soon as you buy the policy or if you have to wait 60 days...I hope you find a resolution...Hang in there...I will pray that everything works out for you...
   — Ang B.

March 16, 2001
I've seen some surgeries done for a whole lot less than others -- some only about $15,000. I believe that where there is a will, there is a way. It is up to you to find that way. Prioritize! If you may die anyway, then you can afford to do without a lot of life's 'necessities' and especially without life's luxuries. SELL everything you own. Raise the money. Look around, what do you have of value? Sell your car (s), boat, etc. Do you own your home? Or do your parents? Or someone who loves you alot? Get a home equity loan and use that money. Borrow the money. How many credit card offers do you get a month? I get tons. In my state, you can get someone to sponsor you as a needy cause, and they can hold spaghetti dinners or whatever to raise money to help you with your health problem. So often, we see this for people with cancer or kids who are dying of brain tumors or something, but hey, morbid obesity is a life threatening illness too. Its high time it became a public thing, right? Brainstorm, get others who love you to help you brainstorm. We all seem to be able to find the money to get the things we want. If you want this bad enough, and you get up and get going, you may find that you can get it done too! There are plenty of other people who have had to go the self-pay route. All that I've ever talked to say it was worth it! Best wishes!
   — Cindy H.

March 16, 2001
I have been fighting this battle for over 3 years now with no luck. I have thought of every way to pay for this surgery. As for selling everything we own, The only thing I own anymore is my house and my computer and we still owe alot on the house. I can't take the house away from my husband and kids. We still need a place to live. We can't get a lone because of the high medical bill I have and as for my family and friends helping to raise the money, I may as well forget that, they all have the same idea, just stop eating. My family doctor even went so far and to quote me the concentration camp saying. When you said that if there is a will there is a way, you must understand that it don't work for everyone. I had all the will in the world 3 years ago but over time and with so many let downs the will is fading. That is why I posted what I did, I have tried everything and have nothing more to try. I was hoping someone out there would have just one more idea. I'm so happy for all the people here who has had or will have the surgery. I just know your lives will be so much better. God bless you all.
   — Cheryl P.

March 16, 2001
I don't know if you can work. Someone posted a while ago that one of the health insurance companies would hire without experience for entry level jobs. They needed folks and their insurance did cover the surgery. If you can work, even if only for a short period of time, check for entry level jobs that carry an insurance plan that covers WLS. Call the hospitals, churches, charitable organizations etc. in your area to see about programs to help pay for medically necessary care. There are programs out there, but they are not advertised.
   — Jilda H.

March 16, 2001
Hi - I am so sorry that you are having such difficulties. If you are not employed, you might try your local Office of Vocational Rehabilitation. Each state is mandated by the government to have one - they will be in the phone book. Many times, if your weight is a barrier to employment, VR will pay for you to have the surgery. It is certainly worth checking in to. Also, listen to the other folks on here - APPEAL. Many people on this site will help you with a letter - I belive one lady has already offered you a sample. I know that you are very upset, but now is the time to fight, not to give up. You are in my thoughts...
   — Holly G.

March 17, 2001
Cheryl: You can get a home equity loan usually for 100% valuation. So, say that your house is currently worth $100,000 and you owe $80,000 then the home equity loan could be for $20,000. The interest rate should be lower than other loans too. I don't know what your situation is, but this could help.
   — Cindy H.

March 17, 2001
Another idea: Go to Canada as a self pay. Surgeons/hospitals don't charge as much here as in the US plus you get the exchange rate. I heard from someone an average surgeon here will charge 12000 CAD which is about 8000 USD. Waits are long, but it may be an option.
   — Alisa M.

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