Why do MD's ask wls patients to lose weight before surgery.

Is this typical? I thought we were having the surgery to lose weight. What conditions are usually present for a physician to make this request?    — Aloha D. (posted on May 30, 2001)

May 30, 2001
I don't know why they do that. If we could lose weight we wouldn't be considering surgery. I read somewhere it had do with fat in your liver, but I am not sure.
   — Joy B.

May 30, 2001
I guess some physicians believe it will shrink some fat that may be around the liver and other organs and that if we lost some weight they would shrink some making it easier for the physicians to work on your insides. Others may require it because they want to see your committment to the surgery and new life style. My physician, now this is just his quote, says "that's a crock". He doesn't believe that at all so I am not required to lose any weight at all before surgery this June 13th. It does seem ironic they would ask this of us. But so many physicians have different techniques & practices. I know there are a few things I don't quite agree with, with my surgeon, but that's ok. I believe its important I follow what he is requiring of me because I did choose him to be my surgeon and I do want him to know I am committed to following his instructions. Once I am post op for a couple months then I am sure I'll see what's right for me all on my own with the help of this wonderful website and all of the postoper friends I've made here.
   — Karla K.

May 30, 2001
I think it sounds ridiculous myself, I mean, If we could lose weight we wouldn't be here to begin with. My surgeon told me he would like me to lose 5 or 10 lbs by my surgery date, just because it would be an easier recovery period. I was able to shed 8 lbs, but I really think it had to do with my wonderful "cocktail" I drank the night before surgery. I have a couple friends in the approval process who have been asked to lose weight also, but they are never given a reason. I would suggest asking you doc why he wants you to lose weight... Hope this helps....
   — Kim B.

May 30, 2001
I am going to have to go on a six weeks fast to lose weight before I have surgery.The more weight that was can lose before surgery the easier and safer it will be for the surgeon to perform the operation and another thing that I was told that it will shrink my stomach and also get me use to being on liquids for a while.
   — Anelia Y.

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