Does your tummy hurt all the time?

When can you resume normal activity? does your stomach hurt to sit up after lying down? When can one start doing sit ups etc? Does it hurt to walk? How far should I start walking after post op?    — Jennifer L. (posted on June 2, 2001)

June 2, 2001
I truly did not have a lot of "pain" with surgery, my stomach was really tender and getting up from lying down was uncomfortable. I am 5 weeks post op and occasionally have times where my stomach is tender. My understanding is that you cannot do abdominal exercises for 6-8 weeks or you will be at very high risk to develop a hernia. The first few days are the toughest-you won't really feel like walking, but everytime I did, I felt a little better. And each time I could go a little further. As far as how far, I think it's different for every person-did you exercise before surgery? If not, don't expect to be speed walking! Good luck!
   — Brenda H.

June 2, 2001
Hi Jennifer: Since we all heal at different rates, it is hard to tell you when exactly you can resume normal activity. However, the standard is 6-8 weeks with an open RNY. My stomach did hurt for the first two weeks from the incision. Because the muscles have been transected, and pretty much inactive while the incision and stomach heals, you may experience soreness for about 6 weeks while resuming normal activity. It didn't hurt for me to walk post-op, but I sure was tired. I tried to walk for a few minutes several times a day at first, then you build up to 1/2 an hour. Good Luck!
   — Allie B.

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