Sores under breast just a few days pre-op

GROSS WARNING: I have "foliculitis" which is a fancy way of saying that I get infected hair folicles under my breasts. Sometimes they're like pimples, but somtimes they get really super infected and last forever. My surgery is scheduled in five days and I'm worried. I have a few sores on each breast. Only one of them is really looking bad, the rest are old and healing, though still pussy. Sorry to be so graphic. Anyway, I'm wondering if I should try to cover the sores with bandaids. This wouldn't stop the surgery would it? I hear this kind of problem can be fairly common for obese women. Can anyone tell me what I can do or what happened with them? Thanks a million    — kcanges (posted on June 15, 2001)

June 15, 2001
I don't have personal experience with this but if I was in your situation I would check with my surgeon about it. You wouldn't want to show up at the hospital on surgery day only to have them send you home. I had to postpone my surgery just 3 days before (for another reason) and it's not an easy thing to go through. Also my sister had something that sounds similar to what you're describing but they treated her for a staph infection. In any case you should contact your surgeon to see what he thinks. Maybe he will want you to take an antibiotic before and after surgery. Good luck to you.
   — [Anonymous]

June 15, 2001
I've never had this particular problem, but a few weeks before my surgery, I got an infection in my bellybutton. I happened to be seeing my OB/Gyn for my yearly check-up and I asked his advise on it, having already told him about my ucoming surgery. He prescribed some really strong antibiotics for me but warned me that if it didn't clear up, that I HAD TO let my surgeon know about it. He said, "You don't want to mess with incisions and infections!" Now the bellybutton is further from the incision site than the breasts are. So really, call your surgeon about it. You may need to get your surgery postponed. I know what a let-down that feels like, but you don't want to get a wound infection. I hope it clears up for you really quick!
   — lalasmommy

June 15, 2001
I really appreciate all your help with this, here's the thing, I've had these for YEARS. I've been treated with lots of antiobiotics, even IV antibiotics (for something else) and they've never really cleared up. I was hoping that I'd get lucky with the timing and not have any real bad ones. I guess I'll have to see how bad it is on Monday and see if I need to see the surgeon. I'm glad I asked because I really didn't know how big a deal this would be.
   — kcanges

June 15, 2001
A little bit of encouragement Katheryn...I also had the same problem as you; although, I didn't have any active places before my surgery. Anyway, I had this problem for years. I am 3 1/2 months post op, lost 60lbs and my problem has cleared up! I have no idea what has caused it to clear up...the only conclusion I can come to is the weight loss. Good luck!
   — Deniece H.

June 15, 2001
Hello, I too have a problem with these. To keep from getting them I put deodorant under my breast after I get out of the shower every morning. I have found that they rarly happen now. Powder doesn't work because I believe they come from sweat and that just clogs the pores more. I don't know anything about what the doctor would say about cancelling your appt. though. Hope this helps at least with how to stop them from comming back.
   — [Anonymous]

June 17, 2001
I've also had this problem with "sore" skin. Most of the time it's under my belly when the weather is warm and I sweat alot. I never went to the doctor to get rid of it. Oddly enough, I use Desitin (baby rash cream). I keep applying it until it's gone. It works for me. Try it and see if it works for you.
   — Jennifer C.

June 17, 2001
I wanted to update folks. I found some stuff called Carrasyn. It is really helping clear this up. I've also been vigilant about keeping them clean. I don't think they're really infected, but I'm still nervous. I'm just hoping it'll be ok on Wednesday. Anyone else use Carrasyn? So far it's the best thing I've found. I'm still taking suggestions.
   — kcanges

June 17, 2002
Hi, I have had problems with sores under my breast and my belly for years. I have found the best way to treat this is with an anti-perspernt.
   — Chris L.

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