Can't eat due to ulcers, How long until it gets better?

I just had an endoscope which showed ulcers in the jejunum and it's so inflammed it won't let the food through. My doctor put me on meds, but they don't seem to be helping. I can't eat anything, because it gets suck. How long till this gets better? Has anyone else had this problem. What is the treatment? I had a prox. RNY 9 months ago.    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 21, 2001)

July 21, 2001
I had marginal ulcers all along. Get one, cure it, get a new one, cure it, etc. Our doc uses Prilosec, but since it is timed release, we use it at triple dose. 3 perday, for 30 days, then 2 for 2 weeks, then 1 for 2 weeks. Each time I got relief within 24-48 hours.
   — vitalady

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