Why is this emotional so hard?

I am jsut feeling terrible about myself. I am suffering those post op blues. I am 9 days post op. Everytime I see someone eating or see a commericial I get down and depressed wondering was this worth it? I sometimes think to myself that I shouldn't have done this if only I had tried one more diet or something. I don't know I am having a really hard time. I started off 213 and I am down 201 and no one has noticed even people who know i got it down say that I look the same. I don't know. Has anyone experienced this feeling? PLease help with any advice?    — Jennifer L. (posted on July 21, 2001)

July 21, 2001
Hi there, you are not alone! I'm only a few days post-op and I haven't even lost any weight that I know of yet. I live in the San Francisco Bay Area, and my drive home from the hospital yesterday was hard. There are so many wonderful places to eat in this area and I think I smelled all of them on my way home. Some people have food odor problems after surgery (for instance, the smell of food makes them ill), I don't think I'll ever have that problem! :) Try to hang in there. If you need help, ask for it. I had to go on Xanax a week before my procedure and it helped me with that anxiety in the last stretch. It was hard for me, since I am not a pill-poppin' gal! That's also changed since surgery, since I have to take stuff every day now. As to people not noticing your weight loss, give it time. You've done this for YOU, remember? Remember that human nature is a complex thing and that folks don't always feel comfortable asking someone about their weight... or they're just buttheads. Who knows? In any case, keep your chin up, and use this site as a resource. It's helped me in more ways than I can tell you.
   — Sheila B.

July 21, 2001
Hang in there. The exact same thing happened to me about 10 days post-op. I woke up one morning and just started crying. I had only lost 3 pounds, was still sore from surgery and could just seem to see the negatives and no positives. I finally called my husband home from work and boo-hooed for about 20 minutes. I even cried that I wouldn't be able to eat Thanksgiving!! With his support, I just tried to focus one day at a time and after one month, I went to the doctor and lost 20 pounds. I'm now 3 months post-op and have lost 55 pounds! It will happen for you. Keep your chin up!!
   — Lesley K.

July 21, 2001
You know the funny thing is that tv food commercials, and watching others eat does'nt bother me in the least. However I was very depressed for awhile after surgery and did'nt know why. Also it was 40 pounds before anyone noticed I had lost anything. :( That was depressing too. It will get better. Hang in there.
   — Danmark

July 21, 2001
Jennifer: I think most of us went through this right after surgery. I never knew how many food commercials were on tv until my surgery. I would look at the Hardees and Pizza Hut commercials and just cry. I was sure I would never be able to eat again. I called one of my friends and told her I made a terrible mistake! But rest assured, all will get better. Soon you'll be able to eat more normal food and your feelings of despair will be gone. I've lost 80 lbs now in only six months, and I wish I would have had the surgery 10 years ago. Good luck!!
   — Kristy J.

July 21, 2001
Jennifer, you are SO normal hon. I know it doesn't seem so but I promise you that this too, will pass. The anesthesia makes alot of people depressed for a month after surgery and that only adds to the fact that you are hurting and not living "normally" like you did. I can't help you with the food commercials but I can tell you that eventually, you will again be able to eat what you want to again within reason. As for nobody noticing, well, hon, it's a great accomplishment for YOU and that is what is important. My family and friends didn't tend to notice the loss as much as people that I hardly ever saw. My family didn't realize what a difference there was until they saw before and after pictures because they were with me every day as I lost. And I lost 160 pounds! From 280 to 113. they knew I lost but it just didn't seem so drastic to them. I am sure that your close family and friends are the same. When 30 or more pounds come off, everyone will start noticing but the important one is YOU. Your self esteem will be so much better and you won't crave the approval of others as much as you do now. We have all been there and as we lose weight, we find ourselves again. No one else can understand the sacrifices that you are making to be healthy again. No one. People on here can empathize but we all have our individual burdens to bare when it comes to dealing with this surgery. I hope that very soon, you will see the beautiful person that is inside you and stop worrying about others seeing it. You will soon shine and it won't be because you are skinny but because you have self confidence and believe in yourself again. I promise that it will happen. Just give it alittle time.
   — Barbara H.

July 21, 2001
Am not to the stage you are at yet. But I have heard that we mourn the food. Like a friend who is no longer with us. We have used food for so many things in our lives up to this point. To comfort us,help us comfort others,and when we have been bored.It is only natural that you are going to feel this way around food for a while. The trick to it I think, is as you loose the weight and become more active, the food will takes it's proper place in your life. Look to those other activities to help you to appreciate the things you can do already that you couldn't do, physically before surgery. As far as the people noticing, they will and soon. Just keep on your steady path and it will come together. Good luck!
   — Susan G.

July 21, 2001
Remember even if you dump bad you can always eat a bite or 2 sweets. So Oreos will still be there, in limited quanties. No you dont want to eat a lot of them but occasional treats should be OK.
   — bob-haller

July 21, 2001
Jennifer, I haven't had my surgery yet, but have done a lot of research. Nearly everyone has postop. depression - a lot of docs tell you to expect it. It will clear up. If not, tell your doc, but give it time. Also they say the initial weight loss is water weight and so not noticeable. It is normal that people won't notice (YOU will!) until you've lost 30-40 lbs. My mom always said "People are so wrapped up in thinking about themselves that it takes a long time and a drastic difference before they notice you've changed". Be patient and just repeat after me, "This too, shall pass..." Rooting for you in Denver CO! Lisa Dobson
   — Lisa D.

July 21, 2001
I know how you feel...I had my surgery at Thanksgiving! Friend, please know that when you start seeing the weight peel off of you, you will not EVEN CARE! I have lost over 100 pounds...I do not care about the food. Just know that you can always give yourself a little treat as long as you keep it small and simple. do't give in everytime, just once in a while. People may be afraid to mention the weight loss. Bring it up to them. They may feel uncomfortable. Don't worry, your rewards are coming...BELEIVE ME.
   — GINA B.

July 22, 2001
When we have a long way to go, sometimes the only thing we see is how far it is ahead of us, and not how far we have come. Rejoice in where you are now. Easy to say, hard to do. Check your expectations! Remember that your life is precious, just the way you are now, and it can only get better from here. The fact that others cannot yet see what you know to be true is just *their* lack. *You* know what you've done, Acknowledge your wonderful efforts and pat your*self* on the back! Hang in there, they soon won't even recognize who you are.
   — Marjorie B.

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