Okay... after your surgery, what will you NOT miss???

I know that after surgery, it will be nice when "weight lifting" actually means lifting weights, and not just standing up!!! :-)    — Janet C. (posted on October 23, 2001)

October 23, 2001
I will not miss panting like a lizard every time I climb steps, or walk fast, or roll over in bed....
   — Sue B.

October 23, 2001
Ditto to Sue's answer!! Also, I DON'T MISS not being able to really tie my shoes!! Good Luck - Down 74#s 4 3/4 months post op!!
   — chance2lv

October 23, 2001
I wont miss the XXX on the tags of my clothing, or elastic on my pants because " I have to ".
   — blank first name B.

October 23, 2001
I have lost 167 pounds. I am in a 12/14 from a 32. I do not miss the depression. I do not miss being a couch potato. I do not miss simply existing as opposed to LIVING. I do not miss food being the center of my life. I do not miss being unattractive to men. I do not miss sweating when I dressed for work each day. I do not miss labored breathing from my car to my office. I do not miss shopping in Lane Bryant - I love wearing a MEDIUM as opposed to a 4-freaking x. I do not miss one day of being morbidly obese. 'Nuff said!
   — [Anonymous]

October 23, 2001
I DON'T miss eyeing through a crowd to see which route I will be able to fit through. I DON'T miss looking around and praying that I am not the largest person there. I DON'T miss crying before having to go to any social function and knowing that I will only beable to wear the black fat stretch pants and a big black shirt that I have been wearing for years and years (even though I still really like black but now my clothes are much smaller and the thing is now that I have choices!!!!!). I DON'T miss feeling so terrible about myself that I would let people run over me, now I actually stand up for myself and people don't quite know how to take it. I REALLY DON'T miss the shame I felt about myself in my apperance and always feeling inside "less then" others but take I still took up more space. What a grand question. Thank you for making me think and remember those things. I am so glad I had WLS. I am going to bask in all the things I DON'T miss today! Take care and Blessings to you all
   — [Anonymous]

October 23, 2001
I will not miss my current footprints! Because of all the weight in my thighs, when I walk on the beach or on a light coating of snow, my footprints point so far outwards! I know, it sounds silly, but is it just one of those things.
   — PaulaM

October 23, 2001
I will NOT miss: breaking chair legs, being able to cut my own toenails, being able to breathe & walk simutaneously, being able to make love & breathe simultaneously, fit into retaurant booths or my own car & seat belt, and performing adequate personal hygiene, to name a few.
   — vitalady

October 23, 2001
This is cool. Okay: I won't miss sweating around and looking and feeling overheated when everyone else is 'just fine'; or, my lower back aching from standing or walking for just 5 minutes!; or my way low energy level; not fitting into booths in restaraunts; wearing big oversized shirts to hide my huge stomach/breasts/arms and trying to actually FIND a shirt that would be big and long enough to accomplish this! These are just some of the things I can think of right now, but I'm sure there are a million more. This is a great way for me to keep in mind why I went thru all this in the first place, so thanks for putting it out there!
   — Jennifer H.

October 23, 2001
If you enjoy what you are reading here, please email me "what I will miss most" to [email protected] and look for a page of our favorite ones at
   — Janet C.

October 23, 2001
I do not miss having to find space to walk through cars in a parking lot, worrying about fitting into a booth at a restaurant, bouncing of the sides of smaller shower stalls, not seeing my feet when standing, getting a workout when putting on nylons. And all that after just 10 weeks postop!
   — Angela B.

October 23, 2001
I don't miss missing out on my kid's lives. I don't miss living through them instead of for myself. I don't miss the Lane Bryant catalogs. I don't miss being ignored by people in social situations. I don't miss not being able to use portapotties. I don't miss using the handicapped bathroom stalls because I needed the extra room. I don't miss my lack of libido:) I don't miss spending huge amounts of money on fat clothes, fast food, junk food, and health issues. I don't miss laying around and avoiding life because I just didn't have the energy to LIVE it. Thanks for this question- it is always good to reflect on how blessed we are. I am 22 months post op, 10 pounds from the anorexic governmental standard for my height, and 139 pounds gone!
   — M B.

October 23, 2001
I won't miss sitting awkwardly in a chair because I can't cross my legs, my loud breathing, trying to constantly hide my "rolls", and the feeling of worthlessness and guilt after eating a whole pizza or 2 foot long subs!
   — Amy E.

October 23, 2001
I don't miss getting short of breath when I walk or go up stairs. I don't miss my CPAP machine. I don't miss not having anything decent to wear. I don't miss having to wear a minipad all the time because I never knew when I might "leak." And most of all, I DON'T MISS THE 130 POUNDS I HAVE LOST!!!
   — georgiacarol

October 23, 2001
I won't miss being asked if I ever "thought about losing weight" by every doctor I've ever been to!
   — blank first name B.

October 23, 2001
God I love this question, I don't miss being a contortionist trying to wipe myself everytime I went to the bathroom, I don't miss needing clamps to hold the toilet paper when I used a public BR because i could just about fit never mind trying to wipe.I don't miss buying clothes just because they fit never mind how they looked. I don't miss the 54 pounds I've lost what a great feeling to finally be going down and not up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
   — Harley S.

October 23, 2001
I won't miss hurting all over and wanting to cry. I won't miss not being able to stand. I won't miss snyde remarks. I won't miss my meds (hopefully) I won't miss my belly getting in the way of sex. I won't miss fat clothes. I won't miss saying no to things i'd like to say YES to.
   — Jackiis

October 23, 2001
Great question! I do NOT miss worrying about breaking chairs, not fitting in booths, insulin shots, weekly visits to my doctor (well, maybe I miss that a little, my PCP is a sweetie and cute too!), being hospitalized several times a year, sweating constantly, barely fitting in my car or seat belt, not being able to cross my legs or tie my shoes, not being able to walk up more than one flight of stairs, not finding any clothes that fit, but most of all, I do NOT miss my husband constantly saying that he was afraid I was going to die soon. I'm 10 months post op and down 93 pounds (which I don't miss either!). Thanks for reminding me what I've lost besides the pounds!
   — Maria H.

October 24, 2001
I'm post-op an down 110lbs. from my starting weight. I did not miss: big, ugly, extra-depth shoes. I did not miss always being the biggest person in the room, the arthrits in my knees, the horrified looks when folks on the bus thought I was going to sit next to them, complete strangers sharing their Weight Watcher success stories with me, sitting alone on saturday nights with a quart of Ben & Jerry's, a bag of chips and a six-pack of diet coke.
   — [Anonymous]

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