Looking for Workout/Exercise Partner in Mesa, AZ?

Hi all My name is Mike and I am 8 weeks post-op with Dr. Juarez. I live in Mesa around Fiesta Mall and I usually go to the Bally's on Longmore. Basically I am looking for a workout buddy (M or F) that is interested in going to the same Bally's in the evenings and focus mostly on Weight Training. Now that the weight is coming off, I am looking to sculpt and tighten my body/skin. I know that I won't be a Arnold Schwarzenegger, but it doesn't hurt to try. My exercise program has been consisting of 30 minutes of walking to start and the work on 2 body-parts a day. I only started 2 weeks ago, but have not been consistent because it is boring to go by yourself. Hopefully I can find someone that has more or less the same goals as I do, where we can both motivate each other. If interested, email me at [email protected] . Look foward to hearing from you. Thanks, Mike    — Mike P. (posted on October 30, 2001)

October 30, 2001
Have you tried the "find peers" page? You can go to the Arizona page and have the names sorted by city. I did and there are a lot of people from Mesa. Maybe you could read their profiles and e-mail them your question. Just a thought...Shelley
   — Shelley.

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