what kind of results to reasonably expect from tummy tuck?

Hi all! I am 2 years post . I started out at 330lbs and down to 175lbs. i have been trying like crazy to get off the last 25lbs. i am wondering if I have stabilized. i definately need a tummy tuck , I have a lot of loose skin. How much weight can I expect to lose with a tuck and how many inches. I look great other than the lower tummy and I think I would be happy at this weight if that was removed. Also, how was the pain and recovery time? Thank You!    — Brenda T. (posted on January 10, 2002)

January 10, 2002
I am just one month post-op from my abdominoplasty and hernia repair. The weight of the skin removed was 7 lbs. or so. For me, it was not the skin weight that seems to have mattered, it's the fact that I didn't eat for about a week postop that resulted in a 10 lb. loss. I had a great deal of pain with this surgery, but many people feel it is not particularly bad. I was pretty miserable for 10 days, functional at two weeks, and returned to work after 3 weeks. I still have some discomfort, mostly from the extreme tightness. I also still have some swelling, but at one month my waist measurement has gone down 3 inches and my hip measurement (sans pannus) has gone down 4.5 inches.
   — kateseidel

January 10, 2002
I have some good websites that give a pretty good view of what to expect. Email me if you are interested.
   — Joelle B.

January 10, 2002
I don't know about anyone else but I can share my personal experience with my Tummy Tuck. I weighed 469 when I had my rny. I lost 280 #'s and I had the Tummy Tuck. I was a size 16 on the day of the TT and a size 8 about 8 weeks later. The doctor removed over 18#s of skin. It was a very easy surgery for me. I could have gone home within a couple of hours of waking up. I went home the next morning and was in the mall on day 3. It made the most incredible difference in my appearance. I hope this helps.
   — DeeDubbs

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