How much can I expect to lose from tummy tuck

i am 2 years post. I am down to 175lbs, would like to lose another 20 before having a tummy tuck but I can't seem to get it off. i work-out 5 times a week and watch what I eat.I need a tummy tuck. How much additional weight did you lose and inches? Also, how much time -off work is necessary? Did you notice a big difference? i appreciate any tips. any help    — Brenda T. (posted on January 14, 2002)

January 14, 2002
Hi. I went for my 2 1/2 month check up today, and my doctor said that when I had my tummy tuck (later down the road) that I would probably loose about 50 lbs. But I have a very large "apron". So I think it depends on how much skin is hanging. Hope this helps.
   — Amy T.

January 14, 2002
Brenda, It may be that you're not losing any more weight because your basic body weight is where you should be. The 'extra' weight you think you have could be coming mostly from the extra skin. As the last poster said, it does relate to how big an apron you have.
   — [Anonymous]

January 14, 2002
I had my consult with the Plastic Surgeon today. My starting weight was 248 and I now weigh 138. He said I would lose 6 pounds with the tummy tuck. It's not much "weight" but it will make a huge difference I think. BEST WISHES!!
   — ronascott

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