I'm becoming pre-occupied with food again.

Ok, tough question. Is it normal to become pre-occupied with food or too focused on food after 18 months? I've had tremendous success and have reached my goal. However, I find myself thinking more and more about food. I am also eating more things that are not good for me. I have not gained weight and when I write down what I am eating I see that it's basically a normal diet, simply significantly more than I've been eating. I look forward to meal times more than I used to. I find myself thinking about food or daydreaming about food several times during the day. I know it's normal for everyone to fear failure but I just wonder if it is common to go through periods of desiring food more than you regularly do. I don't think I will fail - I simply feel that food is becoming more important to me and I don't want it to. Any ideas?    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 14, 2002)

January 14, 2002
I am 17 months out and have had the same thing going on. I just had a 30 minute conversation about what to eat for breakfast tomorrow. Tomorrow I will have a long conversation about dinner... and so on. I am an addict and I am trying to deal with that. I am trying to focus on healthy eating. If I am going to obsess, I am going to make it as positive as possible. I want to put food into perspective but it's so hard. I know that if I don't remained focus on "Why am I eating this" mentality, I'm screwed. So, if you find a way to completely get over the obsession, please fill me in!
   — Jeannet

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