I am curious to see or know what I can expect to lose. I am 5'3

with a BMI of 51 and weigh 285ish.(argh~that was tough to advertise!) Hi all..Yes, I realize that everyone loses different, I guess you can say I am very anxious. I have LAP RNY 3/20 (final countdown-yeah!) Curious to know what I may lose and if you can help I would love to hear from you and maybe even view a few pics. Thanks so much. ~ Debbie    — Deborah F. (posted on February 22, 2002)

February 22, 2002
Hi, I'm not sure the exact answer to your question but I have a friend that was your height, and weight and in 7 and half months post op, she has lost almost 100lbs. Of course she does eat a lot of crap, cookies, cake, ice cream , so if she had stayed with her docs orders, she may have lost more. It really depends on you, IMO. If you follow your docs orders,to a T, you could lose much more. Congratulations on your upcoming surgery.
   — [Anonymous]

February 22, 2002
Hi Debbie! I am so happy you are going through the surgery soon! VERY EXCITING! I am 5'3" and weighed 295 lbs before my surgery in November. It's been 3 months now and I have lost 75 lbs! I am very happy with the weight loss so far. Check out my profile for pics, there is a link to my website with some progress pics. This surgery has been a miracle for me. The first few weeks I thought it was a mistake having this surgery because it was a little hard for me to adjust to my new eating habits, but after my first month, it got much easier. Now, food is not the focus of my whole day. I am so glad that this surgery saved my life and my mind. Good luck to you, I know you are nervous, but in the long run, you will be happier with the new you. Good luck again. Laurie
   — Laurie L.

February 22, 2002
im 5'1 and had surg dec 6,and ive lost 50 from total weight and over 40 since surgery weight... i feel absolutely great!!!!!! little dumping now and then but thats it for problems...i can walk and stand and i love feeling good and getting back into my old clothes i had stuffed away...size 20-18 now have some down to size 14.
   — Jackiis

February 22, 2002
Very strange response from that first anonymous poster..I still have yet to understand why people answer easy questions or non-controversial ones in this manner. I also do not agree that if his/her friend had followed doc's orders that she would've lost even more as 100 lbs. in 6 months as this sounds great! I'm not saying that we should NOT follow our docs orders, but everything in moderation I think. For me, I am 5 ft. 4 inches, weighed 266 and have lost 103 pounds in 8 months. I feel great and very 'normal'. Feel free to email me or view my profile. I hope to get down to 145 and feel that this is a realistic goal for me. Best Wishes!
   — Molly S.

February 22, 2002
Hi Debbie, I am 5'3" also. I had my surgery almost a year ago and I believe I have done very good. Check out my profile. I weighed 298 lbs starting and now weigh 141. Everyone is different in how much weight they lose. I am sure you will be successful in your journey and I wish you the very best!
   — Janie C.

February 22, 2002
I am 5'3". Starting weight day of surgery, October 30th was 287. Today I weigh 224. Good luck!
   — Julie S.

February 22, 2002
Go to the Before and After Pictures page. You are sure to find people who are your gender and approximate height. They are really inspiring.
   — garw

February 22, 2002
Oops. Should have said the phots page. Just go to the top of any page and click on photos.
   — garw

February 22, 2002
I weigh about as much as you, same height and my doctor told me I would easily weigh 130 pounds by next spring IF I follow the plan and exercise. I have no doubt I will accomplish that.
   — mary0981

February 22, 2002
Hi Debbie, I am 6 months post-op and have lost 100 pounds. I had a few complications, but have managed to over come them. I eat 6 small meals a day, just can't make it with 3 because I am not eating as much as everyone else is yet. Just really depends on what type foods you eat. You still have to be careful to watch high calorie foods, which of course are my favorites. I do eat chips, just a few, and that satisfies me. I wish you the best with your upcoming surgery. Love, Laura
   — laurac82101

February 22, 2002
From opening page go down list of options on the left and select 'Calulate your BMI' it will tell you.
   — Tonna N.

February 23, 2002
I am 2 1/2 years post-op and 5'6". Started at 286 and currently 144. I need to lose one more lb. to be exactly 1/2 of myself. Ha Ha. That is my goal. I have had to really work at the last 12 lbs. It has taken me 7 months to lose it. I keep a food journal and count every calorie. Try to average 1800 per day. It is all worth it. I will have my panniculectomy on March 11 and that should take off 2 -6 more lbs. I hope. Any questions e-mail me [email protected]
   — Cheryl H.

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