Please Help Me!

Hi All - I'd like to pick your brain for a second if possible. I am speaking to group of potential weight loss surgery patients next Saturday. Part of my lecture is about clothing after losing over 100 pounds. All the years I was obese I didn't dream of party dresses or slinky clothes. I just wanted to be able to wear jeans and a T-Shirt - to be a "regular" person. I'm really curious as to what most WLS patient's "goal dream outfit" was. Can you tell me what you've enjoyed wearing most since losing weight and what you look forward to wearing most if you're in the middle of your journey? I think it would be interesting to know. Thanks for your help - oh, and the jeans and T-shirt were and are as fun as I thought they would be. WLS has been a miracle for me. Best wishes!!!    — ronascott (posted on March 9, 2002)

March 9, 2002
right now I love being able to wear my jeans & t-shirts but once I do lose all my weight I will be looking forward to wearing leather pants & really slinky clothes ;0)
   — Jennifer F.

March 9, 2002
I am 1 year post-op. I have lost 166 lbs. already and hope to lose another 50 or so. The best thing I've been able to fit into since my surgery is this: off-the-rack clothes at Wal-mart! I know that sounds strange, but I haven't been able to buy off-the-rack since college, and I always end ups spending more than I should. I just enjoy my Wal-mart "Faded Glory" jeans and a size xl (not xxl or xxxxl) t-shirt in a bright red. What am I looking forward to wearing most? A size 14-16 marroon business suit with a short skirt, about 4" above the knee. I have always seen these kinds of clothes on Ally McBeal and wished I could someday wear them!!! I'm not unrealistic thinking I will ever be a size 5, but I would at least like to walk into a nice clothing store and not be stared at by the sales lady, like, "What are you doing here? We don't have any clothes that would even fit you!"
   — Terissa R.

March 9, 2002
I dream of being able to wear a denim short skirt (not necisarily a mini but one that doesn't hang to my ankles) and a tucked in blouse.. instead of having to let it hang over to cover my stomach... But as a new post - op I'm just excited to be able to wear clothes from a store instead of the catalogs :) Good luck on your speech...
   — Elizabeth D.

March 9, 2002
Tank Tops and shirts tucked in...instead of making sure that they are long enough to cover my stomach. A nice nightgown, preferably with a tank style top, instead of huge nightshirts. And finally ....A BATHING SUIT!
   — barbpatter

March 9, 2002
Anything sleeveless. Flowing sundresses, spaghetti straps... A swimming suit that I would be comfortable wearing to the beach. A tight dress that shows off curves. Good luck on your speech!
   — Kimberly L.

March 9, 2002
I would love to be able to wear a skirt that fits straight around my waist. When I put one on now, the front goes across my navel, where I still do have an indentation, but the back is higher and my behind makes the skirt way shorter in back than it is in front. Same thing happens with a dress that has a waistline.
   — garw

March 9, 2002
I'm a new post-op, 1 month, but what I look forward to is wearing pants where I can tuck in the shirt and wear a belt. Also, tailored business suits.
   — Cindy R.

March 9, 2002
I have a slinky blue dress, that even though it was made in a plus size I would never wear. I just thought OMG how can I even dream of looking sexy. My dream is to alter it to a smaller size and wear the bajebbers out of that dress.
   — Diane Rhoads

March 9, 2002
Size 12-tall Levi's and a tucked in close fitting cotton top, with a leather belt. That's my newest, coolest outfit. Feel beautiful, leggy, sexy. God love this surgery! To answer your question, my favorite outfit.....just being comfortable in my own skin and loving myself. That's beautiful.
   — Kandie M.

March 9, 2002
The little black dress.
   — Cheri M.

March 9, 2002
I am still pre-op, but my ultimate goal is to fit into ANYTHING at Bebe. Those clothes are so cute, but they only go up to a women's 14 (and I hear the clothes run really small). If I ever fit into things there, I will know I made it. =)
   — Jennifer Y.

March 9, 2002
Denim shorts with tank tops and little sandles. Also tight knit tops that show off my boobs once they finally stick out farther than my stomach.
   — Meredith A.

March 9, 2002
hi rona.. funny you ask this as i was talking to my best friend 2 days ago who wmy best friend who was my bridesmaid wore a real slinky black number to our wedding and all the guys eyes popped out ...i picked the dress ....and looking back i know i picked it because it was what i wouldve loved to wear ...anyway i asked her if i could have the dress to wear for our wedding anniversry on halloween as a suprise for hubby and she said i could have it she had put it in storage . on my wedding day i felt like i had failed myself as i has wanted to wear a slim fitting dress and felt like a puffy meruinge so i thought i could get a portrait taken with him wearing this and get it framed .
   — Rachel F.

March 9, 2002
This is an easy. My goal is to get back into a pair of size 10-12 Levi's. They are, in my opinion, the sexiest thing a woman can wear.
   — blank first name B.

March 9, 2002
Hi, my dream was to wear jeans , which I hadn't been able to do in 12 years. I'm not at goal yet, 65 lbs more to go, but last week I bought my first pair of jeans, and they look great!! It was a major milestone for me!!
   — Carey N.

March 9, 2002
i haven't had surgery yet, but my goal is to be able to wear a tank top with a pair of shorts and have them look good. Also i would love to be able to wear a pair of overalls with a tank underneath....
   — candymom64

March 9, 2002
being obese all my life i always dreamed of the clothes i would love to wear but never could. maybe now my dreams will come true...12 weeks post op open rny down 52 lbs. jeans without an elastic waist or made from stretch material bathing suit without a skirt sexy bras bikini undies the 'must have' slinky black dress with spaghetti straps any dress with spaghetti straps shirts that dont have to go all the way down to my hips belts overalls anything i can buy off the rack in a size 14. i am a very realistic person & have not set stringent goals for myself. all i want to do is lose at least 100 lbs & wear at least a size 14. if i do better than that, it will be the icing on the cake.
   — sheryl titone

March 9, 2002
A bikini...this is why I am choosing lap surgery. Mainly, I'm just intereted in wearing pants that don't make me a** look like two pupies wrestling in a sack when I walk. Have fun at the lecture. Does it include a clothing exchange?
   — rebeccamayhew

March 9, 2002
Since I got married I have always worn really huge t-shirts to bed. My hope is to be able to wear beautiful nighties and lacy things. Now, I don't mean anything sleazy, just really feminine and delicate. Right now, even the really plus size versions would look ridiculous because really thin material looks really bad stretched over the excess weight. Oh, and matching bra and panty set in COLOR! I have never had a bra that doesn't look like 1950's hospital grade, white and stiff.
   — cjabates

March 9, 2002
I want to wear my husbands t-shirt to bed and have it fit loose. :)
   — Lisa J.

March 9, 2002
I didn't have a dream outfit per say... I JUST WANTED TO BE ABLE TO TUCK A SHIRT IN AND HAVE IT LOOK GOOD!..... IT DOES!
   — AnnMarie W.

March 9, 2002
normal size underwear and bra's......undergarments that match and look nice and sexy...(whooowhoooo)
   — Deanna D.

March 9, 2002
I am at loss for the word but those panties that go up our butt and a matching push up bra .. also tuck in my shirts wear a belt from Victoria Secrets the garters and corsets with the thigh high hose slinky, clingy dresses strappy heels and cover alls I have achived most of my goals I now wear dresses size 12 and jeans and most clothes but until the TT some types of clothes are not yet soon tho very soon I want to wear a long red sequin dress like Pretty Woman.. I want to go to a black tie affair and dress to the T's and dance the night away drinking Champagne and fine Dining I never went to dances no proms no dates Now I want it All
   — Kathleen M.

March 9, 2002
Little black dress, a nice thong and push up bra from Victoria's Secret!
   — Rosario T.

March 9, 2002
Gosh! I feel like a copy cat, but I want the same as a LOT of you. First and foremost...sleeveless tops in the summer! Jeans where I don't look like 10 lbs. of sausage stuffed into a 5 lb. casing! (especially in the stomach area) Matching bras and panties....pantyhose. Overalls, and not look like the farmer's fat wife! A tight pair of faded Levis with a tucked in T Shirt and a leather belt and pair of cowboy boots! Suede or leather pants and a silk shirt. I have this beautiful cotton/lycra little black dress with pearl spaghetti straps that I have saved for 10 yrs! I want to wear that again. My bikini days are over...even with a TT...too many stretch marks...and now a big long scar. But, a cute 1 piece that isn't made for Gramma would be nice. I can't wait to walk into a store and be able to find reasonably priced clothes that aren't made from some sofa/drape fabric print. I'd like to buy things that fit in the waist and aren't HUGE in the legs. OK OK I'm getting carried away! LOL
   — Karen B.

March 9, 2002
   — LINDA W.

March 9, 2002
ahhhhh A subject I love...clothes!!! I have always wanted to just be able to go in my closet in the morning and look over a bunch (not just my one stretch pants sz 28 + size 3x sweatshirt) outfits and make a decision, and all of them look good. Shorts,jeans,dresses,business wear, tight I can at a size 8-10 and LOVE it!!!
   — ZZ S.

March 9, 2002
I am still a pre-op but boy do I dream of joining the rank of LOSERS!!!! All of the posts sound so nice. I deam of wearing anything sexy!!! I too would love to be able to wear overalls with a cute little tube top underneath.... a nightie that isn't a huge granny-looking t-shirt, a pair of tight jeans with a pretty shirt tucked in, oh list could go on for days............. :-)
   — Kimberly B.

March 9, 2002
   — jean L.

March 9, 2002
I started this journey at 469 pounds and wore an 8x. I had to pay a small fortune for all of my clothes because I had to order them online. I found the joys of shopping at 47. I went from an 8x to a size 4 - 6. One of the biggest victories was being able to buy a pretty bra and underwear. I started at a 56DDD and had always had to wear those big ugly bras. I have a whole closet full of clothes now. I love to just look at them and think, wow, these are all mine. :) I love being able to wear belts and tuck in my shirt. It is such an awesome journey. Your Weight Loss Pal.
   — DeeDubbs

March 9, 2002
Hmm..what a fun question! Even at 296, I sometimes felt and dressed sexy...especially since my DH thought I was a hot mama back then, too. But I always HATED my stomach and was very self concious about it. I still hate's flabby, scarred and wrinkly (kinda like a deflated balloon!) but in really isn't an issue. Now, I wear short-er skirts, tank tops, tight fittin' name it! As long as a decent bra gives me support and my clothes fit well...I look pretty darn good in 'em. I'm down from a 26W to a size 12. This summer....I'm gonna buy a bathing suit that flatters...probably one of those slim suits that hold in the tummy since a TT may not ever be in my future. This will be my first summer in a regular size swimsuit in....16 years! Wow! I'm soooooo glad I had this surgery. I get a kick out of reading all of your dreams because I see myself in them and I see how far I've come. Ain't life grand?
   — Sharon L.

March 11, 2002
I used to be in a Metal band a couple of years ago. I dressed like a slob, but had a good vocal ability for that style of music. I would again like to join a band, and this time dress like a rock star in Leather pants, and Heavy Metal T-shirts that I could not find in my size. It may sound like I am switching one fashion faux Pah for another, but this is my dream. I also cannot wait to be small enough to go without a shirt at the pool. It has been years since I have not had the ever present Farmers tan.
   — sbinkerd1

March 11, 2002
Fun question! BTW ROFLMAO @ Rebecca! You hit the nail on the , er, head there! I am finally able to wear a knit shirt tucked in to jeans with a belt. I wore this last Friday--a clingy black v-neck, long-sleeve, stretch t-shirt with a pair of Calvin Klein jeans (just slightly low in the waist so they make me look like I actually have a little length between my hips and boobs! =) with a cute belt (the first I have bought in YEARS!). I felt so neat and sexy in that outfit! I noticed that I was looking at something on a lower shelf and I did the "graceful bend" instead of squatting to look at the stuff on the bottom shelf. Before I lost weight I wouldn't be caught dead with my butt in the air like that! LOL I thought it was hilarious when I realized I was doing it. Also I plan to wear a bikini this year: surf shorts (I have stretch marks up to the waist line but my WLS scars aren't going to stop me a bit =) and a racerback top. I can't wait! I have never worn a bikini before. Oh and little workout outfits: the sleeveless kind with matching capri pants. My DH calls them my "slutty mom" outfits cuz I wear them to work in the yard. I have news the mom next door wears a bra-type workout top so I am NOT the slutty mom in the neighborhood! LOL
   — ctyst

March 13, 2002
I have a pair of bright yellow polyester pants that i can't wait to get into again! I know the 70's "flashback" is over again but these pants are so fun! I guess I am just weird. :) Also, I would like to fit into my old's size 32.
   — Carol E.

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