Anyone a year out (or more) and have loss of appetite?

I was a year out March 6th. I do my protein, water, exercise, etc, all my vites, I'm just not HUNGRY. I do maybe one meal a day, the rest is protein shakes. Almost to goal weight, 125-130, at goal size 3-4, just have no real appetite. Weight loss has stalled, though. Anyone else this far out just not all that hungry, or am I just weird? (probably just weird, that's the usual for me! LOL )Thx again, Donna in AL    — Donna S. C. (posted on March 24, 2002)

March 24, 2002
Hi Donna, I guess I'm weird right there with you! I am 14 months post op and I really am never hungry. I do eat,however because I am getting pretty thin. I started at 263 and I currently weigh between 117-119. I wear a size 4. While chart-wise, I am not too thin, I LOOK it. Anyway, back to your question. I could easily go an entire day or two without eating. If I have an unusually busy day, it can be evening before I realize I need to eat. I don't have any physical symptoms (headache, dizziness,stomach growling). I consider it a blessing and a reason my weight has stayed off. I do however, see the need for calories to stop my weight loss. One difference for me is that it did not seem to affect my weight loss. I never stalled. I hope this helps. Shelley
   — Shelley.

March 24, 2002
You two are so lucky. I wish I was'nt hungry. I'm going to have to go on diet pills I'm afraid.
   — Danmark

March 24, 2002
Hi donna, I am in the same boat I am 5 months out and I have to force myself to eat, food does nothing for me anymore and even the thought of eating is so unappealing I am afraid that i am going to really hurt myself because here recently almost everything I do eat I make myself puk back up for fear of gaining again, I am going to seek counseling because I think I am becoming bulimic. I like the feeling of being able to eat, chew and swallow but I then make myself sick to get rid of the food. I have lost 138lbs to date
   — Chris H.

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