I've been irregular since the surgery. Is this normal?

I was regular before my surgery and my period has become very irregular. In fact I'm now going on 6 weeks without one.    — elsie R. (posted on June 4, 2002)

June 4, 2002
Hi Elsie - My cycle was as "regular as rain" pre-op but since having Open RNY in January, I have only had one period. My surgeon said that menstrual cycle irregularity is common after enduring a major surgery and that it may take as long as 6 months to correct itself. I hadn't been too concerned with it but since it is time for my annual check-up, I am going to make sure that there isn't something else causing this. P.S. I have been using over-the-counter pregnancy tests periodically to rule out pregnancy as the cause. Thankfully they have all been negative.
   — Julie K.

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