When can you start swimming, excercising and drinking?

Ok, so the booze part doesn't quite fit in with the excercise, but hey. My lovely surgeon and his staff are as good at calling me back as the president would I am asking all my peers for help. I am going away in late August (I'm 3 weeks post-op now) and I would love to enjoy the beach and nightlife. When can I swim? Even if it's just "wading"...I'll be happy. When can I have a cocktail? Also...I'm anxious to join the YMCA and go to step-classes and long must I wait? I appreciate any help you can offer. God Bless! (3 weeks post Open RNY , minus 40# and counting!)    — Kelly C. (posted on June 30, 2002)

June 29, 2002
Hi! I ask my Dr the other day about swimming(just going in-nothing strenuous-and he said 3 weeks post op. As far as drinking--I believe if you keep it light you'll be fine..this is something I have question my Dr about also. Good Luck..My surgery date is JUly 15, 2002. Enjoy!!!
   — terri K.

June 29, 2002
Swim? As soon as your incision is totally sealed up. Take it easy at first<P> Exercise, I would wait a month before anything strenous, your a open, 2 months for you. Due to hernia risk but do ask your doc.<P> Booze? It can stall your loss, you will get intoxicated on nearly nothihing quantity wise, so watch out for DUIs. Besides early on it can cause ulcers. My urgeon says at least six months but preferably a year. A member of our support group got caught, her insurance SKYROCKETED, so sad, At least she didnt have a accident. Insurance tripled:( You have been warned.
   — bob-haller

June 30, 2002
Bariatric Treatment Centers recommends 8 weeks for aerobics/lifting, 3 weeks for intercourse and swimming, and 6 months for alcholic beverages and only the light sugar stuff. Hope this helps.
   — Rebecca B.

June 30, 2002
My surgeon requires to look at my incision at the one month mark before he will clear for swimming. He said swimming too early can cause your incision to open (ah!). He also told me I could start walking etc right away, but to wait to do anything strenuous like aerobics classes until 1 month. Drinking, I'm not sure about but I intend to press my luck at about 1 month and try a glass of wine!
   — emilyfink

June 30, 2002
My doctor says don't do anything that hurts, so I guess wait to do the exercise until you are feeling up to it and don't push it. He also says to wait until your incisions have scabbed and the scabs fall off before you swim, and not to drink alcohol until you are 5 months out.
   — Jennifer Y.

June 30, 2002
Just a quickie comment on the drinking...keep in mind that alcohol is a depressant and that many people go thru depression within the first six months following the surgery. Not tell you to not drink, just to be aware that if you start feeling really sad or moody - it might be an added culprit.
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 30, 2002
Hey Kelly! Congratulations on a wonderful weight loss. I am 2 1/2 months post-op and I have been doing water aerobics since 5 weeks out. That's when my doctor told me I could start. He did say that he wanted it to be low impact. God bless you and continued sucess. Lots of love and hugs, Amy
   — Amy H.

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