My work enviroment in extremely hot, how will I stay hydrated?

I am currently waiting for insurance approval and am getting a little nervous. I'm wondering when I'm post-op if I'll be able to consume enough water to stay hydrated. I work in the Alabama heat with no a/c, how much water can you consume at a time? I am also trying to quit smoking with the patches, I could use a good pep talk right now! Thanks!    — Vikki C. (posted on July 13, 2002)

July 13, 2002
Whether you work in a hot envirment or not, ALWAYS make sure you have a water bottle on you at ALL TIMES. Have it in the car, outside, inside or where ever you are. NEVER, EVER be without it. I even kept a glass of water by the bed at night and drank everytime I awoke for the first two months post op. This is extremely important for the first few months. I still carry something to drink at all times. You never know if a 20 minute car ride will turn into a few hours. Believe me, it is painful when you've been without something to drink for several hours, especially if it is ungodly hot out. One time I thought for sure I was actually going to pass out when I forgot my drink and was in the sun on an extremely hot day. It was a bitter lesson. Just make sure you always have a drink with you and you'll be just fine.
   — Danmark

July 13, 2002
I am 7 mos. post op and have just NOW began to tolerate "straight" water. I live in Florida, where we all know, is very hot in the summer. I have been living on Crystal Light for the past 6 months or so. I have heard, as long as it is decaf, you can substitute crystal light, decaf tea, etc. for your water. It must be true cause I think I would have been dead from dehydration by now! LOL. I am glad that I can tolerate water now cause I loved water pre op. A little hint here, if you use water or whatever, take a water bottle and fill it 2/3 of the way full with whatever you are drinking. Put it in the freezer and freeze it. Then when you are ready to go to work, take the bottle(s) out of your freezer and fill'em up. As it melts you will have something cold to drink. Also want to say good luck on quitting smoking!! I quit 6 years ago using the patch. Took me only 3 weeks! My husband quit smoking TODAY too! He is using ZYBAN. You'll be surprised how good you will feel once you quit.
   — Kim B.

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