How do you descreetly store tongs?

This is kinda embarressing to ask. But is there a way to keep tongs out of sight, yet easy to get to when needed? I don't really want to explain why they are in the bathroom. :) Sandi    — goodgal (posted on July 22, 2002)

July 22, 2002
Just a suggestion but how about a bathroom bowl brush/holder. Just remove the brush (I'd get a new one at like a dollar store) and store them in that and back behind toilet out of way. Do you have a vanity in your bathroom, if so, just store them in there. Another thought is to hang unusual tools and implements in there and just hang them on the wall like you would anything else. Create a theme! : ) Luckily though you may not need to use them long with WLS. I am 3.5 months post op and bathrooming is no longer a problem Thank God. My best to you.
   — AJC750

July 22, 2002
Sandra, What about under the sink,or the bottom of a linen closet near the bathroom.
   — Janet C.

July 22, 2002
Sandra, What about under the sink,or the bottom of a linen closet near the bathroom.
   — Janet C.

July 22, 2002
Hey, use the container that stores excess bathroom tissue. Put the tongs under a couple of rolls, and this way, even if you run out of tissue and a guest grabs a roll from inside the container, the next roll will still hide the tongs.
   — Gwendalyn W.

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