What do I need to take to the hospital with me?

I've seen suggestions, such as; wooden spoons or tongs. But, other than that I do not know what I should make sure I have with me. I don't want to be unprepared. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. My surgery is scheduled for August 12th so I am trying to get everything ready. Thanks in advance for your input. Take care and God Bless - Pam    — Pm8ballpl (posted on July 23, 2002)

July 23, 2002
not much!!! you wont feel much like using it..i took a suitcase full and only used, hair brush, clock, a bit of make up and some wee wipes...the day you check out, your dr should have a list of meds and vitimans you will need. Most everything else they furnish. I wore my stretchey knit outift in and home....i took clean undies and didnt even use them...!!!! (cathater) just be relaxed!!!
   — Jackiis

July 23, 2002
I have a new website up and in it I have a list of things to bring to hospital if that will help, you can access it through my profile page or htt://
   — Grace H.

July 23, 2002
I meant
   — Grace H.

July 23, 2002
Chap stick or something to moisten your lips with, loose fitting, comfortable clothing for your trip home, slip on shoes or slipper to go home in. Make sure whoever takes you home brings a pillow for you to hold over your stomache area to support it when the road is bumpy or you need to cough.
   — Susan M.

July 23, 2002
Get your pain meds IN ADVANCE! You dont want to be in pain waiting for the pharmacy to fill the prescription and around here lquid roxicet isnt in stores stock, it takes a day or 2 to get. Not a good combination.
   — bob-haller

July 23, 2002
I've never had a doctor that would give pain meds in ADVANCE! Would be nice though. One thing I wish I had had, and did'nt, was an abdominal binder. My guts felt like they were going to come pouring out. Would to God I had had one in the hospital. Also take plenty of reading and perhaps your own bedroom slippers and robe. (I did'nt have a robe and when I had to walk, my buttocks were flapping in the brease for every gapping eye to see). I bet there was alot of pepno bismo ordered that day-lol! And the most important thing of all is "GET A PRIVATE ROOM"! Read my profile if you want to know the hospital stay from hell. I will MEVER again get a semi private room. I was'nt well enough to be released from the hospital (in my opinion) yet I did'nt care if I could get away from that feaking nightmare. Also, if you like cards, take a deck. Make sure you get a tv and phone. Those things make a stay alittle better. But get a private room. I did'nt get ANY sleep (more than 5 minutes at a time- I looked at the clock to know). You will want to sleep, sleep and more sleep.
   — Danmark

July 24, 2002
Dan, my surgeon gives the prescription for Roxicet at the last pre op visit thats less than a week before surgery. Liquid Roxicet isnt stocked in the local pharmacies and requires SPECIAL insurance approval too. So prescriptions in ADVANCE is the only way for this very necessary medicine.
   — bob-haller

July 24, 2002
Definitely a small pillor for your stomach. If you press it to your tummy as you're getting up and down from bed it will help with the pain--also if you cough/sneeze. I actually took the pillow from the hospital with me cos I wasn't giving up my "crutch"!!!!!! Also, I was supposed to be in a private room but they were doing some remodeling so I ended up in a semi private with a roommie and that worked out great cos this particular floor of the hospital was for WLS patients. My roommie literally was after me with her surgery--so it was great to have someone that could relate especially since I was alone. bambi :o)
   — Bambi C.

July 24, 2002
The best advice I got and boy was it worth it, was to bring a personal fan with you. Hospitals are always too hot for me, and having that cooling fan on my face while I slept was heaven. Also some lip balm as the lips are very dry. Other than that, forget the makeup and the reading materials. You do alot of sleeping ,some walking, and your out in a day or two or three. Loose comfortable clothing to wear home and slip on shoes.
   — Cindy R.

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