did anyone else have to supply a detailed list of your diet attempts

Did anyone have to supply a detailed list of diet attempts with the dates and wt. lost and the amount of weight gained back? I remember most of the things I have tried, but not the exact dates, is this gonna be a problem? Thanks, Sheryl    — Sheryl W. (posted on September 9, 2002)

September 9, 2002
Sheryl, I just had to fax one today. I had turned in a basic one to my surgeon's office but the insurance wanted a more detailed list. They wanted what I had done, the date, how much weight I lost, and how much was regained. Well of course, everything was regained and then some but I said 5 or 10 lbs. Also on the date I just put the year (ex. Slimfast in 1995 for 1 month, no weight lost or cabbage soup diet in 1994 for 1 week, 2 lbs lost and regained). Hope this helps. I also stated at the bottom of the page that I had never had a medically supervised diet or exercise program. I guess they just want to see if you had ever tried to lose weight on your own. Good Luck!
   — Patty.W

September 9, 2002
Hi: Yes I had to list my diet attempts it is just an estimate. If you can't remember them all thats okay. I think the ones they are really concern about is if you took medication to lose weight.
   — Kathleen H.

September 9, 2002
Oh yeah! Mine was a VERY LONG ONE.
   — Danmark

September 9, 2002
I gave BCBS 40 years woth of diet history. Not sure that it was the clincher, but I was approved in 4 hours.
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 9, 2002
Lie! How was I to remember when and which diets I have been on? I just made a list including Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, Form-U 3, Adtkins and even when I simply watched the fat grams. Only two of these were true (but I DID try many, many others but I cannot remember them by name). I never took any meds for weight loss so I did not list them because they can easily be traced. I listed the year, the plan, how much I lost, how long it stayed off and how much I gained back. I have only heard of one person who had to show actual proof (like receipts from the clinics) and they obviously had no intentions of approving her because she <i>was</i> able to send in receipts and other pieces of proof and still denied her. I think that most insurance companies (as well as surgeons) want this info, but it doesn't have to be documented...Lying sucks, but when it comes to this surgery and the hoops some insurance companies make people jump through for approval, I don't feel a bit sorry I did it. I am having surgery next week!
   — karmiausnic

September 9, 2002
I had to list all my diet attempts,losses and dates. Dates were iffy as its spread out over a 30 yr time. What i did remember seemd to be sufficient. Good luck
   — Connie C.

September 10, 2002
Same thing here. I started by just making a list of diets I had been on (as many as I could remember anyway) and then I just went along and put dates and weight losses and gains over a 20 year time. Of course you can't remember just make it up. Just remember the new diet pills not to put 10 years ago though. It worked for me I was approved in 2 weeks. Best of luck to you. RK
   — Robin B.

September 10, 2002
I had to go thru that also but the nutritionist where i went was very good and some of the times and dates i didn't remember at all so she helped me out. She told me that if i didn't do so then my insurance company wasn't going to approve me at all because they want to see that you have been trying to loose weight for so long and you haven't tried. The only thing i suggest for you to do is to sit there and try to figure out the approximate time and date, you don't have to be 100% accurate as long as you have dates and times, shoot i know my wasn't at all and half the programs i put i didn't even go.
   — diana C.

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