Does anyone Crave ice

I crave ice and eat it all day long. I am 18 mos out of surgery and have lost 217 lbs, feel great but cant get enought ice. I eat 2 8lb bags aday. Hubby thinks I am losing it. LOL better than chips or candy. Just wondering if anyone else has this problem. Thanks    — Janice P. (posted on September 13, 2002)

September 13, 2002
i am still pre-op (until 10/9!!!!) but just wanted to let you know that i craved ice when i was pregnant years ago! i ate it by the cooler full,,,,crushed like a snow cone was the best!!!!!and you are right,,,its better than candy :-)

September 13, 2002
Craving Ice is often anindication or anemia or an iron deficiency. I went through this too and ended up having to have an iron infusion.
   — Linda M.

September 13, 2002
I am 5 months post op and I can not get enough ice. I eat it all day long... at night I get up and get a small glass and eat it before I go back to sleep. I can not drink anything without ice in it.
   — Brandy H.

September 13, 2002
Love it!! Before surgery, I went to walmart & paid only $10 for a snow cone maker. Just add a few cubes of ice & it shoots out like snow. Easier on the teeth too!!!
   — Lee A.

September 13, 2002
Janice, I'm with Linda. It may be nothing and odviously, it won't hurt you, but I have heard that it can be a sign of an iron problem. I'd mention it to your doc and see what she thinks.
   — Amber L.

September 15, 2002
I did that when I was pregnant also, and my OB said to get extra iron and it stopped. I also found out from my dentist the hard way that eating ice chips the enamel off your teeth. I would get in some extra iron and maybe chew on a SF popsicle when the craving hits.
   — cherokey55

September 20, 2002
I'm with everyone else here. Get your iron levels checked. Up until about 3 months ago I was on the ice binge too. I HAD to have a huge sonic cup of ice with me all the time and bought the Sonic ice by the bagfuls. I ended up in the ER and found out I was very anemic. Once I got started on a iron regimen all of the sudden the ice cravings stopped.
   — Kellye C.

September 20, 2002
Craving ice? I ate it cup after cup. Everyone is right, get your iron levels checked. Are you taking iron supplements?
   — Lisa N M.

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