How to give a shot

How do you give yourself a shot in the stomach? I have to do this today. Having surgery tomorrow.    — Pamela T. (posted on November 3, 2002)

November 3, 2002
After 10 days of blood thinner shots after my surgery, I'm a pro! =) All you have to do is find a good area... probably somewhat towards the lower part of your stomach. Rub it with alcohol to clean the area. Then just stick the needle in. You might have to stick pretty hard but it's a short needle. Then pull back on the syringe a little to be sure you're not in a vein or anything. If you don't see blood, just push the syringe in and you're done. If you're taking blood thinner (Lovenox, etc.) don't wipe the area when you are done. The nurse in the hospital told me that this would cause bruising. I don't know if you have to continue the shots when you come home, but it's less painful if you give yourself the shot kinda close to your incision since the nerves have been cut. Hope this helps. Good luck with your surgery!!! You'll do great! =)
   — Tanya B.

November 3, 2002
Hi. A few additional pointers. Some people like to pinch up a couple of inches of skin using the thumb and forefinger of their non-dominant hand and give the injection into this skin. As far as holding the syringe, use your dominant hand and hold the syringe like you would a dart. I think it also helps to say to yourself, "one, two, three" and then JUST DO IT on "three." Don't be tentative about it. Also a clarification on the previous post. Don't pull back on the syringe... you'll pull the needle out of your skin. Pull back on the plunger slightly (helps if you use two hands -- one on the barrel of the syringe, the other on the plunger). This will create suction at the needle tip and if you're in a blood vessel, you'll see a bit of blood come into the syringe. (This is rare.) If no blood, then push the plunger in slowly and steadily. Good luck! JK, RN
   — Joya K.

November 3, 2002
DO NOT PULL BACK ON THE PLUNGER BEFORE INJECTING THE SOLUTION IN TO YOUR STOMACH!! The injections you are giving yourself are blood thinners and what causes the bruising afterwards, is you bringing blood up to the surface by pulling back on the plunger. I have been a nurse for many years, trust me. The best thing to do to avoid bruising is to select an area away from your belly button and no where near a visible vein. Again, do not pull back on the plunger when giving yourself Heparin, or Lovenox injections. Just wanted to educate everyone.
   — Rachel W.

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