what can i do about feeling hungry all the time

for the last week or so i have been so hungry and want to eat all the time is there anything i can do about this please help    — icannie (posted on November 7, 2002)

November 7, 2002
I am quite firm about keeping to my 4 "feedings" per day. I do already leap-frog protein drinks with solid foods, but when the munchies attack me, I do extra protein drinks. It's not going to last but a few days like that, and sometimes I can't resist putting something in my face. The protein doesn't hurt, only helps, and it puts ME back in the driver's seat. I'm not ashamed to use whatever crutch I can to keep me in charge. My normie friends ALSO get the munchies, so I know this is a normal part of life. I just know that whatever food *I* eat that is extra is food that I will WEAR (snugly) under my clothes.
   — vitalady

November 7, 2002
Try chewing sugar free gum when you want to munch. I am trying that, it works most of the time but sometimes you just need a crunch!
   — Debbie W.

November 8, 2002
How about chewing on some jerky? Or maybe get some low fat popcorn and have that. You can eat what seems like a lot and it doesnt amount to much in the pouch. I would stick to the jerky and use the popcorn as a special treat. I think you can get low fat kettle corn, that would help with a sweet tooth.
   — cherokey55

November 8, 2002
I looked on your profile and it looks like you are 6-7 months out. I also went through this at that time. I floundered around for a couple of months before I found my solution so I'll share it with you. :) I increased my protein to 100 grams a day, ate no carbs at breakfast, and added a protein bar as my mid-morning snack. I had a really "hungry" period there for a while and I think it was a combination of the natural return of hunger, my body actually needing more calories, and the fact that I was eating carbs for breakfast (which made me crave carbs all day long). Now I usually just eat cheese or eggs for breakfast and put a scoop of nonfat dry milk in my coffee. I don't seem to be as hungry when I do that. I did eventually abandon the protein bars, but they got me through a period of sugar cravings. Hope this helps!
   — ctyst

November 8, 2002
hi there :) i would suggest uping your protein and when ever i feel really hungry, i load up on fluids. i drink alot of water or coffee sweetened with splenda and this seems to really help me alot. best of luck to you.
   — carrie M.

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