How much childcare after an open RNY?

I am having open RNY and have arranged fulltime (M-F) out of home childcare for my 14 month old--she is walking. Do I need more time than this? I have no help coming except for husband and older children, so I am just sending Betsy out the door with them in the AM. I really didn't get any guidelines from the surgeon's office. Thanks gang.    — Wannabe A. (posted on November 10, 2002)

November 10, 2002
I had open RNY on 9/20/02. I have a 15 month old grand daughter and I was told do not pick her up at all for 8 weeks. At about 5 weeks when I was not so sore I would sit and let her crawl up on my lap. For the first two weeks I felt REAL BAD!! The third week I felt a little better and began to get little energy. But, I still napped a lot. At week four I could do ok most days. I am week 7 now and I feel fine and I took care of my Grand daughter last night with out any trouble. Hope this helps.
   — Pam G.

November 10, 2002
I had an open rny on 10/15/02. I am almost four weeks out and only in the last few days have I been able to take an active roll with my 3 and 5 year olds. I thank God my mother was here with me to take total care of them. My daughter, 5, even told me I needed to go back to the hospital because I was not better yet! It is very hard after open to get around. So I would say play this by ear, make her full time care on a week to week basis until you feel better.
   — ravenprevia

November 10, 2002
I have in home daycare. Thats four 3yr olds and two 2 yr olds. Plus 5 grandkids, ages 5, 4yr old twins and 2 more 2 yr olds. I told my dr. what I do and asked when I could return to work on my own. He said by 2 weeks I could do anything except lift, so I have the small ones climb into the high chairs while I hold thier hand, the same getting out. They have to crawl up on the footstool to be changed. It works for me and when I put them down for a nap I snooze right along with them.
   — Tawnda C.

November 11, 2002
I had open rny eith gallbladder removal on 10/15/02. I got home on a fri and on Tues my hubby went back to work and left me with our 2 yr old. The only problem I had was bending down to pull her pull-ups down so she could sit on her potty chair. we worked that out and had no problems other than the fact that she keeps telling me she is a big girl so she doesnt think she needs a nap. So mommy got NO nap either post-op. We spent lots of time coloring, reading, watching tv and pretend cooking...things that I could sit and do. It really wasn't that big of a deal. But early on I would have liked the nap!!! Im 4 weeks post-op tomorrow and life is totally back to normal and has been for about a week.
   — cherokey55

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