Has anyone heard of or tried the winsor Pilate exercise video

I just saw a infomercial this morning on this program and was wondering if any one here has tried it and was it succesfull. I have been walking 40 min. 5 days a week on the treadmill but thought that I could alternate the two for a quicker weight loss. Lap RNY 11/20/02 down 60 lbs    — charlotte W. (posted on February 7, 2003)

February 7, 2003
I ordered the tapes and they came in last Friday. I have done them everyday since then. There are three tapes. The first being instructional on the different exercises and the second is a 20 minute work-out which I love. I can really feel it in my legs and butt where I'm trying to firm up. I haven't got to the third tape, I'm sure it's more advance. So far I love it! From what the commercial states, you firm up with these excersises, not bulk up. Look forward to seeing what anyone else has to say about them as I've only been doing them a week.
   — Bea T.

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