Anyone with ABG have trouble with feeling sick when they don't eat?

I have always gotten sick when I didn't eat for a period of at least four hours, has anyone else experienced this prior to surgery and is it any different after surgery?    — Barbara S. (posted on February 8, 2003)

February 8, 2003
Barbara, I haven't had my surgery yet but I bet that you are feeling sick because your blood sugar. I am diabetic and when I don't eat within a few hours of a meal, I start to feel sick and sometimes I get a headache from not eating. You might want to try to eat snack every few hours---like every 2 hours eat a small, light snack and see if that helps you. If you have any other questions you can email me at [email protected] ---good luck and cangrats on your surgery!!
   — Lynn K.

February 10, 2003
Hi! I am not having a problem with this but I do drink a lot of water between meals. I very rarely get hunger pains at all, but I do start feeling light headed after about four hours. I don't think this helps but you should contact your doctor and see what he/she says. By the way I don't suggest what the previous poster suggested. With AGB it is suggested that we only eat three meals a day period. At least that is what my doctor said.
   — Genn2973

February 10, 2003
Well, yeh, it's hunger. Seriously, I do NEED to eat within 4 hours now because I can't eat very much at a time. So it is better for me to eat smaller meals more frequently than larger meals a couple of times a day. I also have to eat more often than every 4 hours or so or there is no way I would be able to get in enough calories and protein. If you feel sick or lightheaded, just eat something. It's very simple. There's no reason you can't do that with the band. -73 My band loves me!!!
   — M. B.

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