Has anyone ever used Chitosan after surgery?

I am 10 months post op. I have had problems with constipation off and on but have gotten that pretty much under control through trial and error. I now use the Fiber Choice chewable tabs and lots of water. I heard a speaker at a seminar talking about Chitosan, which is crushed shellfish, a natural dietary fiber. It is used in most of the fat trapper products that they sell because it bonds with dietary fat when you eat, preventing some of the fat from absorbing into your body and passes with normal bowl movements. One of the main negative side effects is loose bowls because of the fiber content and the fact that it is flushing the fat out of your body. This is the side effect I am hoping for to aid in the constipation, plus, less fat absorption can hurt. My concern is that this product is designed to dissolve in the stomach (which I have little of now) and bond with the fat you eat. With the gastric bypass surgery, the pills will simply be going straight into my intestines where I am not sure what it will bond with. Has anyone ever used this type of surgery or do you know someone who has. I have looked all over the Internet and have not been able to find any info on the combination of GBS and this product. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.    — Lonnie I. (posted on February 16, 2003)

February 16, 2003
I used Chitosan before I had surgery, like everything else I tried to loose weight with. This does not's all hype. Just remember.....If it sounds to good to be is...LAP RNY 8/8/02 down 80 lbs.
   — penciepaws

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