10 months post op and only 65 pounds gone

I had open RNY 10 months ago, drink plenty of water and have 70 grams of protein a day. I admit I stopped exercising four months ago. I am 5' 6 '' and started at 280 and now only 215. IS THERE ANYONE ELSE THAT IS LOSING AS SLOW AS I AM?    — Linda K. (posted on March 17, 2003)

March 16, 2003
What was the reason that you stopped exercising? How many calories are you getting in per day? Are you still losing (just slowly) or have you stopped losing weight altogether? JR
   — John Rushton

March 16, 2003
I, too, am a slow loser. I am 7 1/2 months post op and have lost 80 pounds. I take in 70 grams of protein, 64 oz of water, and around 1000 calories a day. I try to do 20 minutes of exercise a day, which I realize is not enough, but I am trying to be consistent. I've decided to start jounaling this week, to figure out if I am taking in too many carbs and maybe that is why I don't lose as fast as some. If you are still losing, but just slowly, I would try exercising, but if you have stopped losing all together, I would check with my surgeon. I have heard that sometimes this can be caused by staple line disruption.
   — Lisa D.

March 16, 2003
I forgot to tell you that I take in approximately 1800 calories a day. I guess that I stopped exercising because I hated to get out in this bad weather. I plan on starting today with 30 minutes increasing to 1 - 2 hours of walking. I lost about 0 pounds in November - December and 1 pounds in January, 1 in February. I have always believed that my metabolism is awful. The only way I have ever been able to lose is with exercise. Buy why am I the only one this way. The only other post that I have read that are this bad are the ones where people needed a revision. But I did not have the kind of procedure that would have caused a staple line leek.
   — Linda K.

March 16, 2003
Hi...I'm 10.5 months post-op and down 97 lbs. (15 of which I had to lose pre-op). I have not lost any weight in almost 2 months now. In fact I go up and down the same 2.5 lbs. all the time...either I'm 180, or 182.5, any time I weight myself. I'm VERY discouraged now. I see my surgeon next month for an early 12 month check-up (I missed my 9 month check-up...his fault, he cancelled because of an emergency, then I got sick and had to cancel). The one good thing is I lost an inch on my waistline, a half inch on my bust, and 1 inch on my hips in the past 2 months. I am exercising more and have recently nearly conquered a chocolate chocolate now for 6 days. I am 5'8", by the way and want to lose about 20 more lbs. to get to 160. My BMI is 27.4 right now...I'd like it to be AT LEAST 24.something...something UNDER 25, so won't be considered overweight anymore. I didn't have life-altering surgery to still be overweight. This is very upsetting to me to read of others in this same boat with me. There are so many that don't post on here...I actually wonder if this is common? I am remembering all the "slow losers" every day in my prayers. Love and hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 17, 2003
Carbs cause plateaus. If you eat carbs, I mean veggies and fruit...not just bread and cereal, your weight loss will STOP. So if your weight is right where you want it to be..then eat carbs. If not...DON'T EAT CARBS. Exercise minimum of 1 hour a day. Every day. No matter what. I chose to walk at the mall.. Rain snow sleet or reason not to do it. I lost 165 lbs in 12 mths...started at 288 at 5'7". Went from a size 30 to a size 4. When you are eating 100% protein, chose white protein. Chicken, fish, shrimp, crab, lobster. Rarely chose beef or pork. This will be hard to do for 2 or 3 days...but it will take 2 weeks to get at peace with 100% protein and break the carb addiction. Our bodies react differently to carbs, we can store those calories more efficiently then non morbidly obese peeps. Our bodies also crave carbs when we eat them, one bite leads to more bites...That is why we were MO in first place. You need to get your daily calorie count 3 meals 100% protein and not another bite. Never drink anything with calories (including protein drinks and milk). This will get you to goal.
   — lee J.

March 17, 2003
Oh, forgot to metabolism is chronically slow as well, Linda. I have fibromyalgia and we are notorious for having a slow metabolism. I don't think I have a leak or SLD...I will discuss that with my surgeon next month. But I do get that FULL feeling and am not able to eat much more than I could in the early days. But to think "I'm done losing"...well, it is just too upsetting for me. Please don't feel alone in this...I think there are lots of others out there in our boat, but are too upset/ashamed (they shouldn't be) to post about it. We naturally blame ourselves...of course it MUST BE us not doing something right. But really, we may just be a group of people who lose to a certain point (weight set-point), and go no further without severe restriction, which historically we all know does not work in the long run. If I find out anything further, I will post. Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 17, 2003
I disagree with the poster who says "don't eat carbs" thats a load of nonsense. Everyone's body is different, if you exercise YOU NEED TO EAT CARBS. I exercise everyday and am VERY physically active. When I eat no carbs in the AM, I am dizzy all day! I am not telling you to have a ton of carbs, but, what I am saying is that fruits, veggies and whole grains are good for you and help with digestion and also make you feel fuller longer. It is a known fact that foods that are higher in fiber, stay with you longer and make you feel fuller longer. Just watch what you eat, eat at least 1200+ calories a day, eat carbs in your foods (not extra bread in moderation) and drink lots of water. Also, start WORKING OUT AGAIN! I plateaued for 3 weeks from the 10th of Feb till the 1st of March, the reason, I wasn't going to the gym regularly. Since that time, I am back 5-6 days a week and have dropped 5 lbs in 2 wks. Good Luck. Heather (Open RNY 8/15-305/205/150)
   — heathercross

March 17, 2003
I was the same way, I had surgery 2/01. I lost 50 lbs from then till June. It took me 1 1/2 years of up and down to lose another 25 lbs. I am 5 ft. 7 and started at 290. I am a slow loser. It is frustrating to read what everyone is doing and not have results. I was up about 4 lbs. since Christmas and have worked very hard to get these off. I am seeing a fitness/nutrition specialist and he has introduced some carbs and taken away some of the protein, as that has been what I have had the most of these past 2 years. The protein thing is not working for me ( I am talking about the 60 plus grams. I am eating some protein but not as much. I am working out and hour 3 times a week - both cardio and resistance training and then walking 30 min another night or two a week. It is S L O W. I have spent many a night crying and wondering if I will ever get under 200 lbs. I am eating about 1200 cal. Keep in touch with me to see if my new changes are working. I know it is very discouraging, but do what you can do. I sure am, at least I know I will be toning, if I don't lose any more. Why is it that some people reach goal or get a lot closer, than there are people like us that do not. Rita
   — Rita B.

March 17, 2003
Maybe you need to write down everything you are eating and go to a nutritionist. I think that after a few weeks of seeing someone you will be able to figure out what works or does not work for YOU. I would wholeheartedly have to disagree with the statement that carbs keep you full longer. I find it to be quite the opposite. They might make you fuller initially but certainly don't hang around in your pouch as long as protein or fiber (salad). My nutritionist has recently told me that at 2 months the exercise must start in order to keep losing at my current rate of 3-4 pounds per week. I have been very good this week. Wish me luck.
   — Carol S.

March 17, 2003
Hi, I'm 7 months out and 82lbs down. Some days I really think I'll never lose another lb. I've not exercised regularly and I eat fats and carbs, not in excess, just normally. I'm at 218 and started at 300 and am also 5'6". It seems the further down I go, the harder it is for the weight to come off now. I drink my water and get 70 plus grams of protein a day. I have salads, meat with a small amount of vegetables, sometimes a sandwich or one slice of pizza. I do eat cheese also. I have a friend who has lost 225 lbs that had open surgery and she's still losing at 1 1/2 years out. She eats whatever she wants and stops when she's full. She is still in the 200's though and has tapered off some. Don't get too discouraged! You can still lose more. Try to track what you eat for a week or so and check yourself. My misconception was that with this surgery I wasn't going to have to watch what I ate to lose all the weight I wanted. There seems to be only a few people that have had that luck and I'm not one of them. You would think if you ate less than 1500 calories no matter what they are made up of, you would still lose weight. Ha! It seems now that everyone is saying that you have to eat only protein and under 1000 calories to lose all your weight. I am happy with my loss and hope to lose another 18lbs to get to 200. My personal goal is about 180 and to get a tummy tuck for all the skin. You are not alone. Keep the chin up! Melisa LAP RNY 08/15/02 -82lbs
   — mbradley35

March 17, 2003
Linda, you are NOT alone! I'm 13 months post op and only down 91 pounds. I was SURE I'd be at -100 by 12 months if not sooner. I know exactly how frustrating and disappointing this is, I've spent many a time doubting myself that I've somehow messed this great opportunity up also. I cannot do intensive workouts because of very bad knee problems, so I can just swim and do water aerobics which I've been doing since 4 months post-op and still losing so slow. I also try to eat lots of protein and watch the carbs. I honestly had NO idea I'd still be "dieting" after this surgery. Yes it is a wonderful tool that gives you a nice jump start and motivation to work hard but it is not the magic bullet that is for sure, at least not for me. It's so hard to see others losing weight twice as fast and I so wanted to be in a size 10/12 by now and I'm a 16/18. My preop weight was 287 and I'm now 196. I was on a 2 month plateau and during the holidays gained 10 lbs that I've since lost plus 4. However, the past 2 weeks I have lost 4 lbs and you would've thought it was 40 lbs I was so excited ha! All I did different was really watch the carbs more and started swimming more. I just don't nkow what else to do. I am determined however, this will NOT be it for me, I'm not done losing! Hey, this surgery gave us a great headstart, I now have 50 lbs. left to lose instead of 150 lbs., there are people everyday that struggle to get 40-50 lbs. off and manage it and we will too. The tortoise does win the race! Hang in there :) Lisa
   — Lisa F.

March 17, 2003
Linda, I noticed that you have 1800 calories a day. That may be why you are losing slowly. I think you should cut back to 1200-1400, and increase your exercise. Concentrate on protein at every meal(sounds like you are), keep up the water, minimize the bad carbs and sugar. Thats a plan, and you should see the loss pick up some.
   — Cindy R.

March 17, 2003
I want to THANK EVERYONE WHO ANSWERED MY POST. You guys really encourage me. For those of you who are struggling like me, I wish you the best and I thank God that you all have a winning attitude and one that will never quit!!! I also want to thank those of you who gave advice on what I should eat, exercise etc. You will be glad to know that yesterday I did start exercising again. I only went for about 45 miniutes but I felt great afterward. I will keep you informed as to my progress. I hope to have at least 10 more pounds off by 5/13/03 my one year check up. Thanks again, and I know that we will all succeed!!!!
   — Linda K.

December 14, 2005
i'm 1 yr 1 month aftr surgery and i have only lost 75 lbs i feel depressed sometimes becasue i feel i went through all of that for nothing then i think about all of the clothes i can get in now and feel good about that but my weight loss is bittersweet. people look at me like she's not losing and it really bothers me although i know i have lost but just not like everyone else. i must admit im not consistent in my excercising and through reading everyone else's answers i see the error of my ways and is going to do better. i thought this surgery was a magic pill but i see it's not i still haveto be disciplined to succeed. i set a goal to be a summer bunny by the summer time and now that i have some support and answers i beleive i can acheive it. thanks for the info.
   — mslediva

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