Sagging Arms and Short Sleeves

Ok, ladies the summer is almost here and I went shopping and became depressed because looking for summer blouses and shirts because my arms are so sagging and wrinkly, I need my shirts to come at least to my elbows and everything I found was short sleeves. I wanted to hold off until after summer to have my arms done, because I don't want to spend the whole summer recovering. What is everyone else doing? Just letting it all show?    — Gay S. (posted on April 23, 2003)

April 23, 2003
I like three quarter length sleeves myself even though I don't have too much trouble with excess skin on my upper arms. I have found that Sears, J.C. Penny's, Rich's and some of the better department stores have cute things with longer sleeves. Unfortunately once we reach a size where we can shop in the juniors department we can't wear the type of clothes they sell. Seems unfair, huh? I've had the most success with cute, in style clothing at Sears and J.C. Penny's. Best wishes to you!
   — ronascott

April 23, 2003
After a lot of frustration and soul searching...I've decided to let 'em all hang out. I've got saggy arms...but, I am NOT MO my opinion, saggy arms beats being MO any day. I'll deal with the saggys. Have a Sparkling Day!! ~CAE~
   — Mustang

April 23, 2003
I let them show... but they're not as bad as my thighs! After spending the winter thinking I'm looking pretty dang good... I go to buy some shorts. Aaack! That sent me running screaming from the dressing room. Capris, here I come.
   — mom2jtx3

April 23, 2003
I feel your pain Girl! I had the same problem. I just had all my plastic surgery on March 31st and I had the Brachioplasty along with my tt and breastlift. I'm SO glad I did the arms. I think I would've preferred them a little thinner but my Dr. likes things to look as natural as possible and inline with my body size. I guess I agree with that. Now, the arms are a trade off since the scar is all the way down to my elbows, in the armpit and zigzagged down my sides to the bottom of my breasts (to get the extra skin that hangs over the bra. Yuk!). I made the decision that a scar that fades over time was worth getting rid of that awful looking skin. I do have to wear this little compression 'shirt' that comes down past my elbows for a month and its made out of nylon and spandex. Its HOT! I'm glad I didn't do this during the summer months. It would've been pure torture! If I were you, and your thinking of doing PS, wait until the weather cools down.
   — Kris T.

April 23, 2003
Well, here is what I'm doing - capri pants and 3/4 length sleeve tops. I have some twin sets with tank tops under a 3/4 or long sleeved sweater that I wear too. If I am hot and no one is in the office, I take off the sweater. If it sounds like anyone is coming I throw it back on! If we go to Disney or somewhere hot I am wearing shorts and t shirts. (I'll never see those people again ha ha) I look hideous in a swimsuit, so I don't know what I'm going to do about that this summer. My legs and arms are really saggy and wrinkly, like one of those sharpei puppies! My tummy is getting flatter but still saggy. My bras are empty! My butt is flat!I haven't had a consult with a PS yet, when I go for my one year check up with my surgeon next month he is going to make me an appointment for one. I need the works! Pray for me that my insurance will pay otherwise I have to stay like I am. I'd still rather be like this than like I was one year ago! (open RNY 5/30/02 down 150 lbs)
   — Sheryl S.

April 23, 2003
Shop the clearance sales! I have seen about 100 cute long or 3/4 sleeve lightweight white tops. They will be cool this summer but hide your arms. I am fortunate enough to have OK arms, but I understand what you mean. I can ALMOST wear a bikini--except for the wrinkly nasty skin that shows if it doesn't come all the way to my waist! So close and yet so far! :)<p>This reminds me of a funny thing I read in a book about a girl who took her grandmother shopping. The grandmother insisted on shopping in the junior's deparment and picked out a cropped camisole top that you couldn't possibly wear a bra with. The girl protested that the grandmother couldn't wear that. When the grandmother asked why not, the girl said, "Grammy, your boobs would hang out the bottom!" LOL Now is that a mental picture or what?<p>I guess the point is that just because you can no longer wear something doesn't mean you no longer have the DESIRE to wear it! *G* Oh, and I solved my "bikini" problem by pairing surf shorts with a bikini top. Looks just fine!
   — ctyst

April 23, 2003
I've got the same problem but have been thanking my lucky stars that the 3/4 length sleeves are so popular; I see them *everywhere*, both in stores and in catalogs. T-shirts, blouses, all kinds of things. Some of the short sleeves, if they're long enough, are pretty close to elbow length in any case. I bought one casual blouse in a sort of Hawaiian print in the plus-size dept., a 1X; I can usually wear a misses size XL as well, but sometime the arms on those are shorter and tighter.
   — Celia A.

April 23, 2003
I definitely know what you mean. I'm scheduled for my brachioplasty and having my knees done on 5/12/03. We're having a big family get together on 6/14/03 for my Father's 80th birthday. I hope the pain and disconfort is all gone by then. Several in my family have not seen me since I've lost 150 lbs. I had an abdominoplasty and breast reduction on 3/31/03. I'm still so happy, I don't care about the scars.
   — jan M.

April 24, 2003
I wear tank tops and short sleeves - My theory is that the floppy bat wings still look 10,000 times better than my flabby body ever did.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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