Has anyone had these symtoms with gallbladder after surgery?

I went to see surgeon today, had a barium test run, passed with flying colors, no problems there. YEA! But I have a pain in the middle of my back just sometimes when I eat anything other than liquids. This pain feels like a knife in the back. Subsides with in 10 minutes or so. Dr says possible gallbladder and is watching to see what happens. I am 4 weeks out. Just curious to see if anyone else has had simular symtoms. I eat slow and measure out to 2 ounces. Not eating too fast. Thanks for your comments.    — Barbara S. (posted on May 22, 2003)

May 22, 2003
Perhaps it is. I had my gallbladder out and I still get that pain at times.
   — Danmark

May 22, 2003
Yes I too had this same problem and went thru the testing for gallstones as well, I did not have gallstones yet but rather had what the doc called "sediment" that will turn into stones eventually so he recommended to remove the gallbladder which I did but was still having these "attacks" several times a day. I finally got on nexium and within a day they completely stopped and I have been great for almost 2 months now without a pain! Lori lap rny 10/15/03 down 116 pounds so far 25 pounds to goal:)
   — Lori M.

May 23, 2003
I too am on Nexium! In fact one attack started around midnight. I got up and walked around and my stomach, back and lower chest hurt so I was a sea of pain (like an extreme sprain). When this starts it goes for 3-4 hours of excrusiating pain. In order to breathe I pant like a dog. Not trying to be funny, this is a brutal pain and I'm no stranger to pain with 14 surgeries so far. But this time I took a Nexium and it went away in a couple of minutes. One more reason I'm thinking it was'nt a gallstone that got left behind but an ulcer.
   — Danmark

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