
Hi everyone! I am successfully losing weight on the Atkins diet to lose as much weight as I can b/f I have WLS. I'm working hard now to get used to the low carb lifestyle and to get in shape before WLS. Anyway, I wanted to tell everyone that CarbSolutions makes GREAT bbq and nacho cheese chips. The BBQ has only 4 carbs/approx. 1oz single serving & the nacho cheese has 3 carbs/serving. These chips are a self-sabotager's life saver. I found them at Wal-Mart around the pharmacy for $1.97 for each 2oz bag. I do not know how well these 'get along' with ur pouches though. Wlel I hope this helps anyway needing a crunchy low-carb alternative. I am not trying to sell anything or advertise product I am just passing on something that is helping me out. God Bless!    — Shayla527 (posted on June 10, 2003)

June 10, 2003
I picked up a bag myself last night. They are yummy, and a life saver...yet I'm still very leary about the impact vs. non impact carb thinggy. I've also been using OH'so'Lo carb rolls at 3.3 "impact" carbs...they are very good. -Kim open RNY 7/17/01 282/135ish/125ish
   — KimBo36

June 10, 2003
I saw these at Wal-mart a few weeks ago and tried them. They only had the bbq...which I found to be a little on the sweet side...but I did like them. I couldn't eat too many at a time least not as many as I would have like to! They tended to make me feel full and icky too fast. I was able to finish the 2oz. bag in about 5-6 sittings though. It was a nice change from jerky, cheese and bars as a protein 'snack food' and I would definetly buy them again...hopefully the nacho will be good too!
   — eaamc

June 10, 2003
Atkins makes similar chips that are also very good!
   — pam29922

June 10, 2003
Metrx also has Bar-b-que chips that are 18 grams of protein per ounce and only 4 grams of carbs.
   — LLinderman

June 10, 2003
I also bought some of these a few days ago. I have only tried the nacho flavor so far. The flavor reminds me a little of Andy Capp's hot fries, just a small bite of spice. The texture is a bit dry, but I don't mind them. They seemed like a cross between a flat pork-rind and a cracker. I suppose you could use them to scoop up some tuna/chix/egg/ham/whatever salad too. The only thing is I have had a 1/2 of a serving once a day for the past 2 days; and have also had horrible gas/stomach pains. The only other things I have had these 2 days are two bites of a Detour bar, and an Atkin's Pralines-n-Cream bar. I'm not sure which of the three are causing it. I told my g/f to hide them so I can figure it out, but this is one test I am not enthusiatic to run. I think I will stay away from all 3 for a while. This stinks because I was ready to try the B-B-Q. Does anyone else get gas from any of these products? Thax... kim
   — Kim K.

June 10, 2003
Great idea from the pre-op. Also, I try pork rinds . . . . I know that many have to get over the intial "Eeew-yuk" sensation, but that minimizes how many you might eat. They are crunchy and have no carbs so they work to safely satisfy the craving for something crispy. And, it's just impossible to eat too many of them b/c you eventually remember what it is you're putting into your mouth.
   — SteveColarossi

June 11, 2003
I have to disagree. I tried a couple of the flavors offered. I'd compare it to eating cardboard with bar b que flavoring sprinkling on it.Don't think I'll be buying anymore.
   — fieryfish

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