Let's share some milestones!

I always enjoy when someone posts a question or comment that allows us to share the joys and milestones WLS allows us. So, I thought I'd ask everyone to share something - this is especially encouraging to pre-ops and struggling post ops. Here's my milestone - two weeks ago my husband and I traveled to New Braunfels, Texas for his family reunion. The reunion is held in a wonderful park that has a pool and a train and other fun things. After lunch it was suggested we all ride the train. I would have had to think fast for a good reason not to ride pre-op because it's a tiny little children's train. This time, however, I got to ride along with everyone else and even had room for my husband's baby neice on my lap. WOW! I got my first pair of capri pants too! (These jiggly thighs will NEVER see a pair of shorts - ha ha) Then, after we rode the train my husband took me over to the swimming pool area and proceded to tell the lady at the ticket counter - "This is my wife and we met on the steps by the lifeguard stand 23 years ago when I was a lifeguard here. Can we go in and have our picture taken there?" I felt like he was proud of me and it was a moment I'll never forget. I don't think it ever would have happened if I hadn't had WLS. I would have been too busy hiding from the sun and the heat and the walking, etc. Life is good. I hope you guys will share some of your milestones and funny or sweet stories. Thanks!    — ronascott (posted on July 13, 2003)

July 13, 2003

   — sissie S.

July 13, 2003
I dated lots of ladies for companionship. Most werent looking for romance. Now I bump into them from time to time. When they first recognize me as thin I always get a huge hug. Often thats more affection than they ever showed me when were were dating.:( Doesnt matter but at the time it was tough.<P> Occasionally people dont recognize me. I REALLY enjoy this! Loosing the weight was a wonderful experience!
   — bob-haller

July 13, 2003
My milestone can today at Kohl's. I was shopping for new clothes, twice I had to go back and get smaller clothes. It's funny how you always go for the bigger sizes and don't realize it. My waist was a 58 before surgery, and now I was buying size 40, and I got to buy a larger shirt, not a 4X like before. Then I couldn't make up my mind on which shirt looked the best with which shorts. My wife said I was worst than a woman shopping. Getting to buy clothes from Kolh's off the rack, not a mens big and tall mag., was one of my goals before surgery, I quess I have met that one. Love to hear others stories, thanks for listening to mind.
   — Ralph P.

July 13, 2003
My biggest milestone so far was getting a Black Belt in KungFu. (A five hour straight physical test). I am 23 years old. From ages 9-17 I did Martial Arts. After quitting KungFu I put on alot of weight. I was always chunky but with Martial Arts as a youngster I worked out basically all day. In adulthood I put on a tremendous amout of weight. I went back to KungFu 1 month before surgery. It has been 10 months since surgery and since then I have lost 175 Lbs, got my Black Belt and am now....get this..... an Assistant Instructor for my KungFu school. Hard to believe? My life is completley differnt. A year ago I could hardly tie my own shoes or get on my pants. Now I do an extreme sport and even compete in fighting divisions against other female Black Belts. So far this year I have won 2 First Places and 2 GrandChamionships. Sometimes I fear failing. I am scared of making bad choices. Stretching my pouch or not being happy with what I see in the mirror. (sometimes even at 159 lbs I feel fat). But I take it a day at a time. Everyday I strive to do my best. That's all we can do. Thanks for this question. It is good to reflect.
   — Kicker

July 13, 2003
At 11.5 weeks out two of my biggest milesotne so far, is reaching th 50 lb mark, and being able to fit into a a size 20-22 shorts, and my husband takeing me out to buy a little black dress to wear when he took me out to celebrate hiting it. The look on his face when I walked out of the bedroom was woonderful. He's just as proud of my reaching that first goal as I am. That so far has been the best. I would also add a third one here. Being albe to sit in the chairs in the doctor's office without hanging over the arms.
   — mellyhudel

July 13, 2003
i had lap rny january 16th and have lost 88 lbs so far.. my first milestone(which i reached at 179>2 lbs ago) was to be just overweight..i am no longer obese!! yea!!! i went from wearing a size 24 pre op to a current 10.. and i am very healthy now.. my next milestone will be when i weigh less than my hubby..he's 168.. that's only 9 more lbs..i think it might take a bit as i have noticed now at just about 6 months post op that my wl is slowing down some... but hey,i will celebrate when i get there!!! best of luck to all!!! take care.. jeanne>lap rny 1/16/03-88lbs..
   — jjettrox

July 13, 2003
I have had so many milestones since I have lost weight, I am now a size 6 from a size 24..and I definitely feel like a new woman. I think the best was when I was visiting my mom down in my old home town and was waiting for her outside a yogurt store. I looked into the store next door and saw one of my ex-boyfriends (from my fatter days) who was looking at me quizzically until my mom came out and said, "Molly, did you want anything?" at which his jaw dropped like Jim Carey's in "The Mask" and I laughed all the way to the car as I realized he just realized who I was. Haha! Living well is the best revenge.
   — missmollyk

July 13, 2003
I guess a neat milestone for me was when a few weeks ago our insurance guy came by the office for his 1 year aduit and I told him the boss wasn't in but I'd give him the message he left. This guy looked at me and said "Are you filling in"? I said well I guess if that's what you call the last 18 years I've worked here. He got this very puzzled look on his face and asked "Where's Mrs. Boatwright"? I said, I am her. He turned so red. I thought it was neat. I still see myself the same but for someone I hadn't seen in a year there was a big difference. I'm 13 months PO and I've lost 130 lbs. Congratulations to everyone else on their milestone.
   — lisab07

July 13, 2003
I finally am below 300 lbs (now 297 statred at 370). And today my hubby and I worked on a pig pen for my 2 pot belly pigs. A few months ago I could not have done this and was debating having to hire someone to build it or get rid of my pbpigs (which I did not want to have to do). Now I can sit and enjoy my piggy babies in the nice big dry pen instead of the small muddy one they did have. I have more energy, slep much better and my legs and feet do NOT hurt anymore!!!
   — Jamie M.

July 13, 2003
I am down 50lbs, my milestones are: My Blood Pressure Med was discontinued, I am no longer in a wheelchair, I hardly use my cane anymore and I can walk up short flights of stairs without help!!! Yippee.... I can walk.
   — M B.

July 13, 2003
Wow...I can write a book on milestones!! LOL!! Here are just a few MINOR ones that have occured during the past 19 months I've been post-op: Off all medications, not even diabetic any more! I can fasten my seat belt; I felt sexy in a swimming suit for the first time in my life!; I can stand on a folding chair without it breaking; I fit through the subway turnstiles; my dad told me I needed to eat more, I was too skinny; I've been getting wolf whistles from strange men; and I am preganant for the first time in my life! :~)
   — Sharon M. B.

July 13, 2003
I had two milestones last week when I flew up to my visit my family for 4th of July. First, it takes two flights for me to get up there. The first flight is a regular shuttle plane, regular/larger sized seats which I never worried about when I was heavy. But I was always worried about the second flight, a commuter flight on a small plane with small seats. I used to have to ask for a seatbelt extension and it was really embarassing. Well, last week when I got on the small plane, I noticed that not only did the seatbelt fit me, with extra room to pull on the belt, but my legs and thighs weren't even touching the arm rest! Then when I got to my mom's town, I rented my car and drove directly to her work. (She owns an antiques and collectibles shop.) I walked into her store and she was walking towards me. I smiled and said hi. She smiled back, said hello and kept on walking. I said, "Hi Mom." And she stopped in her tracks and was shocked that it was me. My mother didn't even recognize me! Now that was great! :o)
   — Jennifer A.

July 14, 2003
Milestones...OMG, have I got a ton of them! I'm just shy of 3 mnths postop and am down 55lbs. For the 4th of July I wore shorts. My sister (also MO) looked at me and said my progress has her seriously considering surgery. That is a huge milestone because I have wanted her to do something before it's too late (family history of serious co-morbs). But the milestone that brings tears to my eyes is when I hear my 17 year-old daughter telling her friends, "Did you see my mom? Doesn't she look great?" My dtr & I have always been close and she would never have said anything about me being fat, but when I hear the excitement in her voice it just makes me want this that much more. You are all great and I wish each of you the absolute best journey ever!!
   — Diane S.

July 14, 2003
Some of my milestones: Taking a bath and not having my hips build a dam, not having my thighs rub together, making my first purchase in Ann Taylor's, being able to wear high heels all day, walking by a mirror and being taken back that it is me, my husband being able to get his arms around me, DH telling me he can't stop fantasizing ;) about me, being able to buy sexy under garmets, and the surprise looks on the face of people who have not seen me in awhile.
   — Cheryl S.

July 14, 2003
I had one of my first milestones this weekend. I went to a Brewers baseball game with some work colleagues. We did this last year and I was very uncomfortable with the chair arms pushing in on my thighs the whole time. I ended up with large bruises after the game. This year, I was able to sit comfortably in the seats. I look forward to more things like this since I am only 3 months post-op right now :)
   — kararuck

July 14, 2003
Thanks to everyone who shared such wonderful milestones. Amidst all the fear and frustration and confusion that WLS can inflict on us it's refreshing to read about the joy it gives us as well. Let's all keep up the GREAT work!!!
   — ronascott

July 15, 2003
I'm only 2.5 months post-op and already experiencing great changes. I have a blind date this week with a guy I've been chatting with for a year online. He's wanted to meet but I finally have the courage to believe in myself and to know that I look "normal" enough to attract a man. Also, yesterday I was in the 103degree heat vacuuming my car and cleaning out the inside and I didn't even break a sweat even though I was fully dressed in work clothes! That's huge for me! Also, I'm crossing my legs every chance I get!! I love this surgery!
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 17, 2003
Rona! This was a great question/post. I cried reading not only your story, but many of the others. It makes me so pround to read the wonderful things that have happened to everyone as they reach their goals. I myself am 4 months out and have lost 88#, possible 90#. There are so many things that have made this surgery worthwhile. People in my office telling me how different I look daily, people I kindof know telling me I look fantastic since the last time they saw me, guys paying attention to ME?!, having multiple places to shop in instead of just Lane Bryant, lower blood pressure, not getting tired as easily. I could go on and on and on. Thank you again for posting this...its always such a boost to hear other peoples great stories.
   — Jaime H.

July 17, 2003
I am about 4.5 months out and really needed this post. I have lost 66 pounds, which I feel is kinda slow, so this was very inspiring to read. My two biggest milestones where the day I just threw on a pair of capri pants and they feel off. And the second and the biggest is every time my ten year old son tells me I am getting so skinny. Any one that has a son around this age should know that complements do not come easily.
   — Marcy S.

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