I am 3 weeks post-op and still have a great appetite....can anyone help me?

I am 3 weeks post-op and I still have a great appetite. I am not having hunger paings so to speak but I do have this empty feeling and just want to eat. I am already on grilled and baked chicken with vegies. I eat 2 to 3 meals a day and if I want something in between I eat s/f popcicles or s/f jello. Is this too much food? I am not losing as fast as I hoped I would. I have lost 20# in 20 days. Does anyone have any suggestions? Anita M.    — Anita M. (posted on July 16, 2003)

July 16, 2003
I was still on liquids at three weeks, but when I went to food, I ate five or six times a day, about a 1/4 cup of food at a time. No wonder you're hungry eating only 2 or 3 times a day! You can't be getting enough calories or protein in that way. Didn't your surgeon or dietitian give you a food plan to follow? If not, I would contact one of them and ask what, when, how much, and how often you should be eating. It doesn't sound like you're getting nearly enough, so your body is quite likely in starvation mode, and won't let go of the fat it has. (Also, nearly everyone hits a mini-plateau somewhere between weeks 2 and 5.)
   — Vespa R.

July 16, 2003
a pound a day average loss and you're not jumping for joy? Wow! As for eating, I agree you should be eating a small meal 5 to 6 times a day, which it sounds like you're doing on the days you have jello or popcicle snacks. I would guess your experiencing the dreaded head-hunger that afflicts many of us postop. Try and find things to keep your mind/hands busy when this happens and you don't actually ARE hungry. Water (or other fluids) are great for making your tummy feel full in between meals. Good luck and congrats on a pound a day - hope it lasts for as long as you need it to!
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 16, 2003
20 pounds in 20 days? Sounds like you are doing far as whether you are actually hungry or not, sometimes in the early stages we confuse head hunger with actual hunger. Just wanting to eat without actually feeling hunger, sounds like head hunger. Keep in mind that we had surgery on our bodies and not our minds. If it is actual hunger, then eat. Many of us eat 5 or 6 times a day, or more! Especially in the beginning when you can't fit much in at a meal, 3 times a day may not be enough. Try 5-6 meals of just a few ounces, preferably good protein foods. Even at 17 months post-op, if I am hungry, I eat something.
   — Cindy R.

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