Looking for Post-ops w/ starting BMI of 50-55

Looking for feedback from Post-ops with BMI's around 50-55. 1. What was your diet like in the beginning. How much could you eat? What did your diet consist of? 2. What was your weightloss? 3. How many inches did they bypass and how small was your pouch made? Thank you in advance to anyone who responds. I am 4 weeks post-op and looking for info about diets and weight loss information in general.    — Kelly P. (posted on July 21, 2003)

July 21, 2003
Hi Kelly , I am one of those people you are looking for, I had my LAP RNY done on 02/19/03 and was 100cm ByPassed and stomach is 15cc in size. I was on clear liquid diet for first week then soft foods for next week then I would try to eat 1 thing new everyday to see if I could do it. Everyone is different and so is there Dr diet I just followed mine. To date which is 5 months I have lost 150lbs, there are pictures on my profile if you want to check them out. Good Luck and hang in there it does get better and keep loosing. Tony
   — tonyskid

July 21, 2003
Hi...I started with a BMI of 53.8 and had WLS on 8/28/01. I lost a total of 166lbs, and I put 5lbs back on (while on Medical leave for a breast reduction) that I'm currently trying to get off. My first month was full liquids. This included cottage cheese, pudding, pureed soups & broths, jello, SF popsicles and fudgesicles. After that, for the next 4 weeks, I could include soft foods, like cooked veggies and canned fruits (canned in their own juices, not syrup) and I could add in ground beef, cooked beans, cheese and seafood of any kind. After that, at the start of my third month, I was allowed to incorporate fresh veggies and fruits as long as the were peeled (if they had peels) and chicken. Then at the beginning of the fourth month, I was allowed whatever I wanted to try (except items with sugar that made me dump) so I could learn what I liked or didn't like, and what agreed with me or not. I started at 316, now almost 2 years later, I weigh 155. I don't know how much was bypassed or how big my pouch is, just that however much it was, it worked and I couldn't be happier! Good luck! Denise
   — lily1968

July 21, 2003
I understand your interest and asking the question, but I want to start by cautioning you. You can not compare yourself to anyone else. This journey is very individual. I noticed the gentleman bleow lost 150 lbs in 6 mos (I think). Whoa! If I saw that I would have been depressed at my 6 mo mark. I didn't loose anything near that by that time, still havent. Anyway, having cautioned you, I'll tell you about me. Take it with a grain of salt. My starting BMI was 55, I think. I currently have lost 128 lbs in 8 months. I consider this excellent. I am considered distal and have no idea how big my pouch is. Sorry. But, in the beginning I could only eat a few spoonfuls of jello or two crackers and I was stuffed (1 or 2 oz max of food). At 3 months, I'd eat 3 crackers with tuna on them and be full(3 oz of food). At 8 months I can eat 4 or so crackers with tuna and be satisfied (perhaps 5/6 oz of food). Just an example of how your capacity changes. Favorite foods I tried in the first months were many types of fish especially flounder, LF hamburger sauteed with a low sugar tomato sauce, tuna with finely chopped pickles and lite mayo, LF/LS yogurt and oranges. I hated jello and SF pudding,also hated cottage cheese -hated protein shakes too. I tried several and decided to go it on my own. Now I love many of the same things but have added cheese (any kind) steak, chicken and pork into the mix. I exercise 3 x a week (most of the time) get in only 30 oz of H2O a day (I DO NOT recommend this) because I can't seem to drink more. At 6 months I was at the 100 lb mark. I seem to now (at 8 mos) have settled into a 10/12 lb per month loss. Anyway, that's my story so far. Hope something might help you. Good luck in your journey & be good to yourself! -Lisa C Open RNY 11/18/02 306/178/153

July 21, 2003
Hi - Open RNY back in July 2001 starting BMI 54.8. I had 150cm. bypassed and I beleive the pouch size as around an ounce but not positive now. The surgeon I used has a very structured aftercare program. Liquids for 2wks,then pureed to soft foods w/gradual additions after another 4wks. I existed on Yoplait yogurt in the "tubes" and SF pops for the first few weeks and really was never hungry. I ate only 1/4 to 1/2 the tube per serving. I remember how happy I was to add a scrambled egg! Once I was eating soft type foods, I would make up a simple chicken salad or some chili and have that in the fridge. I have to say, I have had no complications and have never even gotten anything "stuck" or had a problem with nausea or vomiting. I still keep sugar to under 8gms / serving - I don't need to test the waters, I have too great an aversion to nausea and vomiting. Currently, I weigh 147lbs @ 5'7" and am within a normal bmi range for the first time since I was 12. Hang in there - I would never have beleived I could wear a size 6 or 8!
   — Jean K.

July 21, 2003
I had a bmi of 55.82 when I had surgery 10/10/02. I was 5'9" and 378 lbs. I am 10 months postop and down 120 lbs. In the beginning I could only eat about 1/2 cup of any food and I did not throw up too much. However at 6 months postop when I added more variety to my diet I started throwing up about 1-3 times a weeks. Unfortunately, I've learned the hard way that fats, beef, and popcorn don't work for me. I guess its all a learning process. <p>Now I can eat about 1 cup of food. Proteins like chicken and fish fill me up quickly and there is not much room for veggies or fruit. I do a protein shake twice a day and I find I get hungry about 3-4 hours later, but with solids it is about 4.5-5 hours. I hope this helps you.
   — ckreh

July 21, 2003
Kelly, My BMI was 57.6. The first week I was out of the hospital, I was on full liquids with NO dairy. I pretty much lived on V8 Juice - it tasted so good to me. At 12 days post-op, I had my staples removed and started on soft foods. I had cream of wheat that night; scrambled eggs the next morning, baked potato for lunch and cottage cheese for dinner the next day. That was on Wednesday and by Saturday I had worked up to eating baked fish from the cafeteria. Of course I only at a few small bites. I didn't measure food so I can't tell you how much I ate but I'd say that first few weeks, I ate about the equivalent of half a large egg. I ate canned salmon, tuna, eggs, - anything soft. By 3 weeks post-op, I was eating grilled pork chops and Christmas Eve (surgery was on November 29) I had fried catfish for lunch and for Christmas dinner I had turkey,dressing, gravy and two string beans. I have lost 181 pounds in the time since my surgery (19 months). My surgeon bypassed 150 cm of intestines and the pouch was about two teaspoons.
   — Patty_Butler

July 21, 2003
My BMI was 50 & is now 21. 262 to 110 or so. 150 lost, give or take a pound. We were on clear lqiuids for 4 weeks, but we also had LOTS of protein supplements & vites. No milk, no sugar, no grazing, no drinking with meals. 9 yrs.
   — vitalady

July 22, 2003
My BMI was 54.9 and now it hovers around 23.<ol><li>I ate very soft things; protein drinks, mashed potatoes with spaghetti sauce and melted cheese, unsweetened applesauce, etc. I could eat about a half cup at a time after the first couple weeks. <li>See the charts in my profile; I kept track weekly for the first six months, then monthly after that. Total, I am down 185.<li>My bypass was 125 cm and my pouch was 30 cc. At seven months post-op, my pouch was 32 cc, but I don't know what it is now.</ol> Good luck!! Don't forget to start taking your calcium citrate and B<sub>12</sub> really soon. I've got lots of information about the best kind of B<sub>12</sub> in my profile.
   — Julia Z.

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