
I am planning to have the LAP RNY, and I was extremely happy, because like many, I feel like there is a thin me yelling to get out:) And mind you, everyone has been very supportive of me. That is until I told a friend of mine about my procedure, she strongly discouraged it because she had another friend who done it and she says she has TERRIBLE gas and HORRIBLE scars. Well, this kind of dampered my spirits, because this is really the first time someone said something negative, I know everyone is different, and now I am beginning to wonder if I should try something else. She wants me to try Weight Watchers with her, and she says that it is working for her. I know that RNY has a lot of rules, but like every diet, you have to "train" yourself to live healthy and make healthy choices. Anyone with input please?????    — Tanya F. (posted on August 7, 2003)

August 7, 2003

   — amandalianne

August 7, 2003
Tanya, I think everyone has second thoughts...I havent had my surgery yet but Ive had second thoughts too. About the weight watchers thing...if it really worked and we kept it off then none of us going on this journey. I have 2 small kids and I dont want to leave them BUT I know that if I dont do something I'm going to leave them alot sooner than I wanted to anyway. Not much advice I know but listen to your heart and do what it tells you, only you can make this choice.I dont go much by what "other" people say because everyone is different you may/may not have problems.I talk to alot of people that have gone through WLS,some had complications some didnt..its based on alot of things, how obese you are,health,the surgeons ability and "luck" of the draw. If you decide to do WW and it doesnt work as well as you hope you can always get the of luck..Love Amy
   — cinamoni

August 7, 2003
I think most people second guess themselves at some point, and considering the extreme choice we're making, it's appropriate to do so. RNY is not like another diet. It's a major physical change that will impact the rest of our lives. You DO have to consider all possible outcomes, and there are much worse things that can happen than gas and a bad scar, although they're rare. However, if you've come to the point where you know that diets won't work for you, and being MO is affecting your health so badly that even if you do have complications you know you still have made the right choice, then I think that surgery is a lifesaving, wonderful option. Research, research, and research some more so that you know what will be required post-op to make sure you stay healthy. Then do what you think is best for YOU, and don't worry about other people think you should do.
   — mom2jtx3

August 7, 2003
I'd much rather have stinky farts and an ugly scar forever than to die at 35 of a heart attack. Or take insulin for the rest of my life. This surgery is for people who need to lose weight to live. If we can't lose weight through other methods when faced with the prospect of DEATH nothing is going to help us other than this surgery.
   — YaYasMom

August 7, 2003
It seems like there is always some person out there ready and waiting to save us from ourselves! How much does this person really know about WLS? I would bet a million dollars you already know far, far, more about surgery than she does. Does she even know what procedure this other person had done? What they ate post op and what medications and supplements that person was on? Can she define what "horrible scars" are? The biggest question is : Do you want to try another diet? Count yourself lucky that you have so many others that do support you. I do have to say that if you are not 100% certain WLS is the best thing for you, don't do it, and go ahead and try Weight Watchers with her. You need to be absolutely certain that WLS is right for you.
   — koogy

August 7, 2003
Tanya, I'm 3 months post op and my gas doesn't smell any worse than it did pre-op! As far as the scar, while it's long, it's very, very thin. In fact, when it fully heals and the pinkness goes away, the top half is so very very thin that you probably won't be able to see it at all. DO NOT let these things prevent you from the great life that is just a few short months away. I would do it again in a heartbeat! Besides, I had cellulite and depression before surgery and those are much uglier than a scar and gas! ha Good luck to you.
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 7, 2003
Hon, I think EVERYONE has second thoughts before this surgery. The previous poster is right, my gas is no worse now than before, and I have 5 small lap scars that will fade with time. Would I chose scars over a huge belly... you bet I would. I am 3 months out and down 67 lbs.
   — Happy I.

August 7, 2003
Yes I have scars. Yes I sometimes have gas. But you know what? I had scars and gas BEFORE I had WLS, too. (I had a c-section and--guess what--I'm human and I fart. LOL) I figure that I will probably never win a Miss America contest fat or thin, but at least now I'm healthy. I also figure that before I had WLS I would have never let anyone see my fat belly, so I'm not upset that I can't show it off now. I sure look better in clothes!<p>I do on occasion have really stinky gas (face it . . . do they ever smell GOOD???) but usually only if I ate something I shouldn't have (last culprit: a bag of peanut M&Ms). Unless you have a distal RNY you probably won't have major problems with this. Don't let rumor and innuendo make your major life decisions for you. It's your life and you have to decide what you can live with. For me, scars and a little gastrointestinal challenge from time to time are not such a big deal. How big of a deal is it to you?
   — ctyst

August 7, 2003
I have NEVER had a second thought, ever!! I'm 4.5 months post op, down 75 pounds and as a matter of fact, I have less gas now than before because I'm not eating crap!! Yeah, I get a couple of weird burps after I eat, but who doesn't burp. I rarely if ever have the "other" kind of gas. Try weight watchers while you wait for a date!! And then proceed anyway!! Good luck!!
   — msmaryk

August 7, 2003
I haven't had the surgery yet, it's coming up on 9/2. So far I haven't had any second thoughts. Yesterday I talked to my insurance company about whole life insurance. I asked her if my weight would cause the premiums to go up and she said more than likely. Then I told her that I was having WLS to get healthy. She asked me "why would you do that to yourself?" I told her that I am doing this so that I can live and be healthy. She then says to me that she has lost 60 pounds on Weight Watchers. I said good for her but been there done that. THEN she had the nerve to tell me that she "just put her mind to it." GGGRRRR Talk about mad. Then I am sitting there saying to myself do I really want to do this surgery. She put doubts in my mind. I then realize that this is the only way that I WILL be able to live and have a life. Then the evil person in me says do this and you can show her. I see her struggling with her weight and she would qualify for WLS but her not wanting it is her perogitive. Oh well. This is a very long answer for just saying don't let what she says bother you. Every person is different. It will affect us in all different ways. You have made the best decision for your life, don't let others take it away from you. Good luck on your journey!!! Jamie
   — Jamie L.

August 7, 2003
I definitly had second thoughts. I first was told about this surgery almost 15 years ago. Even though I wasn't MO at the time I thought to myself that it might be something I needed though I knew very little about it. I had just lost over a hundred pounds at the time but I had the thought it might come back. Well it did and then I started looking into WLS here at OH. I went to chats and things and I read about puking and I decided someone would have to be nuts to want to go through all that but I didn't realize what it was really like cause I hadn't done my homework. So I went on another of a zillion and I lost weight again. And I gained it back. So I started thinking WLS again.. came back to OH and read and chatted and made an appointment with a scared again canceled the appointment. This time I decided I was giving myself one year to loose the weight or be doing something about it so I rejoined weight watchers for about the fifth time. I lost 65 pounds from January to June. I gained much more then that from June to January so I started reading up again and by March I had made an appointment with a took till August to jump through the hoops and have my surgery. I regret that I didn't keep my first appointment years earlier with a surgeon. I let fear keep me from having more joyful years in my life at a healthy weight. I have lost 155 pounds in less then a year and I am thrilled.
   — Carrie D.

August 7, 2003
I had second thoughts ... and third thoughts, and fourth thoughts and fifth thoughts and .... LOL But the reason I had this surgery is because *diets* didn't work for me. I, too, was approached by a number of friends who wanted me to try the latest diet or Weight Watchers or whatever because they thought the surgery was too drastic. Although I was tempted, I had to keep reminding myself that it's easy to lose the weight from dieting but impossible to KEEP it off. At least it was for me. And even though after surgery I still have to make healthy choices, I'm able to do that now because I have no other choice ... if I eat the wrong food or too much food I get sick. Could WW do that for me? I think not! Second thoughts are sooooo normal. But if you are at peace with your decision to have surgery, that is all that matters. Good luck!
   — MomBear2Cubs

August 7, 2003
second and third and fourth.... I was crying while being wheeled into the oper. room I told my nurse I had changed my mind and that I wanted off the gurney, she just smiled and gave me a little more something into my I.V. line and that's the last thing I remember.. Thank god she knew it was only fear of the unknown, I am sooo proud of myself for taking this step in making myself a healthier happier person.
   — Maggie M.

August 7, 2003
I had a lap proximal (60cm) RNY two years ago. I fart a lot. At certain times of the month I can clear a room. When I'm upset about farting (in our house we call it "shooting a rabbit.") I think " I upset about the gas I have, or would I rather be doomed to an early death?" Go to the bathroom, shoot a rabbit, and leave. Be happy that you're no longer doomed to an early death. Be happy that you can shoot rabbits an additional 30 years because you're healthier. There are side-effects to everything. Being morbidly obese your side-effect is death. Think about it.
   — sandieguy

August 7, 2003
Hi Tanya, Yes, I had second thoughts LOT'S of times. At one point I got myself so worked up I started seeing a therapist to help me come to a reasonable decision because I couldn't make a decision on my own - and this was WITH the support of family and friends. I'm now 6/5 weeks out from having open RNY. I've lost 40 lbs., I haven't had any dumping, I've had less gas than before the surgery because my food choices are so much more sensible, and my scar, 4" in length, is already fading. There is a lot of "retraining" when it comes to how we think about food, and it isn't easy. But it's a hell of a lot easier than it was when I was going to WW and hadn't had the surgery. It's still a lot of work, but this tool has given me my first real hope of being a "normal" size. Everyone's experience with this surgery is different - just like everyone's dieting experiences are different. What works for some doesn't work for everyone. Just read everything you can, and as you're going to need a psych evaluation anyway, find yourself a therapist now who has dealt with WLS patients, and let them help you come to the right decision for you. Best of luck!
   — Patti S.

August 8, 2003
Tanya-I see by your profile. Your have surgial consult appointment scheduled for September. When you meet with the surgeon. Have a list of questions ready covering WLS procedure. It's easy to say "I have a friend" or " I know a friend of a friend". You have been doing research and asking questions already. I know the limbo of waiting for meet with a surgeon. I have my appointment date set for September also. I feel after I meet with the surgery things will finally start happening. I can't say I am having second thoughts due to my age. (I'm 51) But I gave this decision a lot of thought. Take Care and Good Luck
   — Aynikaye

August 11, 2003
I had a LAP RNY and the biggest scar on me was the size of a quarter next to my belly button. After my tt, it was removed so I have no remaining scars from the RNY. I don't know where your friend got her information but it sounds like the person had an OPEN RNY, not a LAP. Also, yeah, your gas smells a little worse then others, but I think it's a VERY small price to pay for the way I look now. Plus, how many people are REALLY going to know about your gas smells??!!!
   — Patty H.

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