Going on Vacation, 1 drink at 8 weeks out??????

When we go to Disneyworld in October, I will be 8 weeks out. We had planned on going to "Pleasure Island" before I had surgery...:) So, when we do go, IF I choose to have 1 drink, Do any of you have any suggestions of what I can choose that is less likely to cause any problems???? I may not even have a drink, but incase I do, I'd like to be prepared...THANKS!!!    — Sothrnbel3 (posted on September 8, 2003)

September 8, 2003
Keep in mind that when you drink alcohol following WLS, you will absorb the alcohol much more quickly so you could get very, very tipsy very very quickly. Also many of the drinks that use mixers are sugar laden so those could cause you to dump if you're one that dumps. I've had wine on one occasion since my WLS (8/15/2002) and I got really tipsy. Be careful!
   — Cathy S.

September 8, 2003
Hi Kathie, I have had no problem with a vodka/cranberry drink. They are not carbonated and not too sweet either. Other than that white wine is good too. Good luck and have fun!
   — blank first name B.

September 8, 2003
I agree with Cindy about the vodka & cranberry. I haven't had any problem with it! And again, just be careful as you do get tispy very quicky... this weekend, not even 1/2 the vodka & cranberry and I was feeling it!
   — Wendy D P.

September 8, 2003
I went on vacation had two cranberry and vodka--guess what it had no effect--so drinks may have no effect whatsoever. Not a license to drink, but you may have no effect from the drink either--so why drink?
   — who A.

September 9, 2003
This question really should be answered by your surgeon. Personally I would not try any alcholol before six months out just to make sure that your insides are healed. I don't know for a fact, but my guess is it takes six months to heal completely. I don't know why anyone would want to risk it. I know there are drinks that look like alcholol and taste good too. Sure seems like the wise thing would be to drink that. But I highly doubt you would do it anyway. Myself, I waited 6-9 months. But then I only have a drink once every few years anyway and my drink of choice is a Grasshopper as it tastes like a mint milkshake. Funny, I use to get warm and light headed... since WLS... it does NOTHING to me. Which is ok as I only drink it for the mint. (I don't particularly like alcholol as I don't want to chance getting hooked on it). You really should call your surgeon and TAKE his advice, whatever it would be. I think many of us "secretly" know something is not wise, so we ask each other here, hopeing for a go head to something our surgeons probally would not approve. Human nature I guess.
   — Danmark

September 10, 2003
I am 8 weeks out. My surgeon told me a drink here and there would be fine. I have had a glass of white wint, a vodka martini, a bloody mary and this weekend a white russian. These were all different times of course and I actually have never finished one because I get a little buzz before even half is gone. The white russian I was able to drink more of without feeling too goofy. I think the previous poster could be right about the protein in it. Who knows. If you get any more suggestions please let me know. I am going to New Orleans in a few weeks and know I will want to indulge!
   — WendieS

September 10, 2003
My surgeon said an occasional drink is fine as long as I remember that it will hit like a ton of bricks. Most importantly, be safe, no driving and a friend with you just in case. I personally would try something at home before having it out to have an idea of my tolerance. I am not much of a drinker & never have been. I have drank wine occasioally since surgery, but I get tanked so fast it really isn't fun.
   — **willow**

September 11, 2003
Can't remember where I read it, but I understand that alcohol affects your liver 10 times faster after WLS. I know you're only talking about maybe one drink, I just think this is good information to arm yourself with going in. Congrats on Disneyworld!!! I'm hoping to have WLS by January and we're planning Disneyworld for next October. I'm so excited to go to a warm place and wear summer clothes after WLS. Have a great time and post pics!!!!
   — SweetDragonfly

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