anyone start at 230, reached goal without saggy skin?

I know this seems petty but it just has been bothering me quite a bit.Has anyone out there started off at 230lbs and reached their goal and not had saggy skin. I have the hour glass shape ( Big hour glass..LOL!), 5'3" and started off at 230lbs. I am 7 weeks post op and down to 201lbs.I have been walking 1 1/2 mile 6 days a week with 3lb dumbells. I have tried to look up as many profiles as I could that was similar to mine but can't seem to find the answer.    — fineislandgirl (posted on September 17, 2003)

September 17, 2003
You won't get a definitive answer. Everyone is different. It all depends on how much weight you have to lose, where on your body that weight is located, and genetics. Exercise has no effect on saggy skin. You had this surgery to be healthy, not to look like a super model. If you are one of the lucky ones, you will not have that much excess skin. If not, there is always plastic surgery-LOL!
   — Kristen S.

September 17, 2003
I started out at 228.6 and am within 16 pounds of my goal weight. I am 56 years old, have had no exercise besides hosework and daily chores and nothing is sagging that wasn't sagging before due to age. But my face has fallen since I lost all the weight. I forgot about that. I would like to have a face-lift but probably won't be able to afford it.
   — Delores S.

September 17, 2003
I'm 42 yrs old and started out at 5'2 235 lbs. I'm 5 months out (surgery 4/07/03) and am down to 158. I would still like to lose another 30 lbs. At this point my thighs are pretty saggy, but just at the very top. I can easily get away with wearing short, but I'm pretty self-conscious in a swim suit. I might need a panni as I had two c-sections plus a hysterectomy, but I don't think I'll know for sure until I get closer to goal. Right now the tummy doesn't look all that bad (with clothes on, of course!). Naked I am a mess! I have been working out doing weights and cardio since three weeks post-op, so I have polenty of muscle, but all those years of being overweight have taken a toll on my skin's elasticity.
   — Barbara C.

September 17, 2003
I was almost the same size as you and I had an hour glass shape. I exercised religiously (5 days a week) from post-op month 2 until I had my tt at post-op month 9. While the exercise helped me reach my goal faster and toned up my body, I have saggy skin everywhere. My tt helped my stomach and hip area. I had liposuction and a modified brachioplasty on my upper arms. But my thighs, boobs and butt!! YUCK!! If I could pick my thighs and butt up 3 inches, I would be fine. My boobs are down to my new belly button (which is higher then before, but not THAT high!! LOL). I would love to get everything lifted and put in the right place but you have to pick and choose your battles and determine what you can and can't afford.
   — Patty H.

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