
Not a question and I know that this probably sounds silly and probably not a big concern, but I wanted to know that if it becomes easier to wear higher heeled shoes once you lose the weight? See, I always loved the way higher heeled shoes, but I always felt like I was toppling over plus I could NEVER walk to far because my feet were killing me. I always blamed it on my weight, SO just wanted input from somebody who would know if it does get easier afterwards. Thank you.    — Tanya F. (posted on October 15, 2003)

October 15, 2003
Yes! It's true....I've worn a size 10 for years ~ I'm 5' 11" ....I'm now in a 9 ~ go figure!!! Open RNY 1/3/03 330/197/175
   — chelle3081

October 15, 2003
Yep! I am 8 weeks out, wear a size 10, sometimes 11 depending on the shoe. I've lost 54 pounds since I started the program, three months ago and 41 pounds since surgery, my 11's are all gone and my 10's are starting to float!
   — Michawn

October 15, 2003
oh so true :>)
   — [Deactivated Member]

October 15, 2003
Yes, it's true. I was wearing 8.5's and I now wear a 7. I have lost 134 lbs so far... Sarah, 25 lbs till goal
   — SarahC

October 15, 2003
My feet are smaller too, but think twice about high heels. I think for a special occasion high heels are nice, but honestly, they are so bad for your feet/legs/back!
   — bethybb

October 15, 2003
yep my feet have shrunk too! i sue to waer an 11 smoetimes a 12 now a 10, have not worn a 10 in many years but the 11's will not stay on now. its weird thats for sure.
   — janetc00

October 15, 2003
Has anyone noticed the width of their feet getting smaller? I can never find shoes b/c my feet are so wide=(
   — JessieL

October 15, 2003
Sorry to be the bad news bear girl again but for me there hasn't been a bit of change in my feet. If anything I swear they got a bit bigger? Or maybe just look a little bigger because my ankles slimmed down? They definitely didn't get more narrow. I've always, heavy or not, had wide fred flinstone feet. Not pretty for a woman. LOL Sounds like I'm the exception though, so that's good.
   — sherry hedgecock

October 15, 2003
Hey, as a pre-op still, I can't say about after surgery. But I can tell you that when I have lost weight in the past, my feet have gotten smaller and now at my highest weight my feet when up in sizes. The smallest they have been as an adult was an 8.5 and as big as they have been is 11 or 12. so i think weight definitely has an impact, but the width didn't really change that much, I mean they may have gotten a tiny bit thinner, but not a whole lot. Seems so strange but figure you have fat pads on your feet so as you lose weight, they shrink, you may find you get a little shorter because of hope this helps....Lisa (lap/rny 10-23-03)
   — Lisa H.

October 15, 2003
My feet have gotten smaller, too. With the 80 lbs lost, I've lost about 1 shoe size. Heels are definitly more comfortable and wearable. I also feel prettier in them ;)! The little strange phenomenom that happens is getting taller. My doc redid my height last week. I kind of rolled my eyes because I've been the same height since I was 12 years old. Anyway, I am 1 inch taller than I was before surgery!!! As a shorty, I am so excited about that little development! Best of luck to you....
   — teresa M.

October 15, 2003
My feet have definitely gotten thinner. As a matter of fact, my feet, face and breasts were the first things to lose weight. However, they have only gotten smaller in width - definitely not length! Once a 10 always a 10 for me! ::sigh:: I was soooooooooo looking forward to wearing a smaller shoe! Cheryl, Lap RNY 6/2/03 -100 lbs.
   — Cheryl M.

October 15, 2003
My feet got smaller. I was a 11 now a 9. They got thinner as well. I am not in a wide anymore either.
   — christine M.

October 15, 2003
I went from a size 11 to a 10 when I was about 4 weeks post-op. Had to get rid of all my old clothes and shoes. This is the first time I could wear a 10 shoe since middle school. ~Sidney~ Open RNY 10-23-02 down 120+ and counting
   — Siddy I.

October 16, 2003
When I had my RNY in November of 2001 I wore a size 12 W. I could only wear SAS loafers. Now, 181 pounds lighter, I wear a 9 1/2 or a 10 M. I still wear mostly flat shoes as I have sever arthritis in my knees (just had a total knee replacement and am still walking with a cane). However, I did wear a pair of 2 inch heels to work today because our company's owner will be in the office and I felt I needed to dress. They still hurt my feet and especially the knee I had surgery on but I can wear them where I couldn't when I weighed 346 pounds.
   — Patty_Butler

October 16, 2003
I think I might be the weird one here: my feet narrowed but elongated. I used to wear a 9WW and last weekend I bought a pair of size 10B shoes that fit just fine. Maybe shoes are just like clothing sizes now: depending on the brand, the size may be different.
   — lizinPA

October 16, 2003
Yes.. yes .. yes.. I can wear shoes now that I used to think were high heels.. that are maybe an inch.. and feel like I'm wearing sneakers.. I can also wear all kinds of really cool shoes! My feet got smaller and they seem to bear my new weight much better. I am having trouble though, I have to buy new shoes for winter -- and I haven't a clue what to buy! Good luck!
   — Lisa C.

October 16, 2003
I used to wear a size, 65 lbs lighter, I wear a 7. My feet have also narrowed, which is probably the biggest reason I went down in size. I always had to wear a bigger shoe because of my width. Now I don't! Yay for me! (hee hee) Also, as a previous poster stated, the first places I lost were my breasts, my face, my neck, my hands, and my feet...although my feet got shorter, other things got longer. (wink wink) I wish you much luck. I hope things go as you desire!
   — Renee B.

October 16, 2003
Hi Tanya, Oh how I WANTED this to happen for me. I used to be a size 10 before having my children 11 yrs ago. I was MO for 14 yrs. I have lost 110 lbs and over 70" everywhere but my feet. I'm still and 11w. They may have narrowed but ever so slightly. Hopefully for you it will happen! Best wishes Linda Mickel Open BPD/DS 4-11-01
   — Linda M.

October 16, 2003
As a pre-op here, I sure hope mine don't get any smaller as I already wear a 6 1/2W and have such a hard time finding shoes. I would love to just be in a 6 1/2 but don't feet so small I have to shop in the little kids for shoes. So for me loosing sizes is not a good thing.
   — Linn R.

October 16, 2003
hi i use towear size 9 extra wide now down 120 lbs i wear a 8 in a medium so there you go yes i think depending on your weight you will loose but everyone is different good luck rosemary

October 17, 2003
My feet have gotten a bit narrower, which I think is what makes me able to wear slightly smaller sizes and more medium widths. But oddly enough, I don't like to go barefoot any more. I think there's less padding at the bottom of my feet, so it's uncomfortable to be barefoot. On the other hand, I can stand for hours without pain, whereas before I would find myself looking for a chair or at least leaning against a wall because my legs would ache so much after standing for just a minute or two. I still look for flats, I'm not sure I'll *ever* willingly wear heels, though I suppose it would be a little less torture now than when I was MO.
   — Celia A.

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