Mind over Body - - Healing the Body - But DO NOT Forget the Mind

Has anyone chosen to seek therapy specifically after WLS? I want to but finding the "right" therapist is challenging visit after visit - along with the limited amount of times most insurance companies give. Also FYI I watched Christie's Story Christie's Story. Hear the amazing story of Christie Martin, a young mother from Arkansas, whose weight was killing her. At 510 pounds, she had WLS - then she was abandoned by her family - check your airing time at "keyword" Christie's    — Anna M. (posted on January 4, 2004)

January 4, 2004
I went to a therapist for 6 months before having surgery. Maybe not all people have problems, except that they enjoyed food and thats what got them obese, but mine was because of deeper seeded problems from childhood (molestation)by my grandfather. Without a therapist's help this surgery may have helped with the weight loss, but the main problem would have still been there. Now, it's not! I have accepted what happen to me and 13 other 1st cousins (girls) by this sick/evil person. Someday, I will find it in my heart to forgive him, but many years and many lives have been ruined for life because of him. He has been dead for years. Anyway, enough about him! I've been thin and obese and never felt good about either, now I do. I love myself and my new beginning. My true beginning began with the therapist, next my Lap RNY and then my breast reduction (6 weeks ago). My life has only begun at 53. I ate to comfort myself because of how I felt about what happened to me. I felt gulity and at could I be? I never wanted my Mom to know, and yet my Mom knew about the others and thought it hadn't happened to me. It was something never spoken of. She and her sisters were molested too by him and uncles. The way of life back 80+ years ago! I think for those that have been obese all their lives will need professional help to se them thru at some point and time. But, if there is something deep seeded such as my problems, they will need help! Our weight was mental and physcial. Both have to be treated. Good Luck to you! Lap RNY 2/11/03 250/142/135
   — Hazel S.

January 4, 2004
i think for me therapy POST op has been a real blessing. i sought out a therapist who has seen weight loss surgery patients and deals with addictions so that helped us zero right in on some of my anxieties and worries. the "what do i do now" has been hard for me. i was always so used to food being the answer to everything i thought......... i also get together with 2 other women who have had the surgery. that is helpful. good luck to you.
   — mimi H.

January 4, 2004
I watched Christies story last night. I had seen it when it aired a year ago and I was hoping for a recent update. What a sad and self distructive girl. It has been 6 years since her surgery and I wonder how she is doing.
   — Tawnda C.

January 4, 2004
Oy. I saw Christie's story. I felt so badly about her situation. Her family seemed so attentive, as did that minister's wife. I see now how lucky I am to not have had major difficulties with myself or family. I am not now, and haven't ever been in therapy. They eluded that she had an abusive upbringing though. I wonder how that factored into the situation. I hope she makes her way to a more settled life for her and her daughter's sake.
   — Fixnmyself

January 4, 2004
I was very fortunate..I have a friend who is a therapist. I asked her for a recommendation and she told me about this guy who is an eating disorder specialist. He has been perfect for me. Going into surgery, I knew that I had always used food as a way to cope and deal with absolutely everything. I knew this behavior would <b>have</b> to change and I hoped I could change it on my own. When I began getting angry because I couldn't stuff myself, I knew I needed help. <br> My therapist has been absolutely wonderful for me. He helps me examine my feelings, my response to these feelings, and alternate ways to respond and to cope. I actually look forward to my sessions with him! He has ask me several times if I am ready to cut back on the frequency of my visits (one time weekly), and I tell him, frankly, that I get separation anxiety when I even think about it! <br> Search around if you need to. I did not know there was such a thing as an "eating disorder specialist" in my area, and he does not advertise as such. Call all the local clinics and ask if they have anyone who specializes in this. Try them all if need be. I tried therapy once before, years ago, and I am here to tell you that the right person makes all the difference in the world! <br> Best wishes and HUGSSSSSSSS to you! Linda
   — Linda S.

January 4, 2004
aaah so that's it a therapist who specializes in "eating disorders" - or any addiction. Thanks for sharing all of you. In my opinion EVERYONE needs therapy just to help make sense of our environment - of course, some of us are bless with a special someone who we can reveal our souls to.
   — Anna M.

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