Has anyone had a horrible experience having an endoscopy?

My first endoscopy was a nightmare. Everyone told me not to worry, it,s no big deal. Well, it was. I remember having to swallow the tube. Now I have to go for another one in 3 days and am scared to death this will happen again. Is there anyone out there who had more than one done and had two diffrent experiences? Please let me know. Thank-You    — mae R. (posted on February 27, 2004)

February 27, 2004
Hi I had 3 done the first 2 I had a terrible tine they didn't give me enough meds so I remember it all the swallowing and the dialation part althought it wasnt painful it was very uncomfortable I was gagging all the way through. The 3rd 1 I had I told the doc about the other times and I do not remember a thing =-) let them know they may be able to up some of the meds... Good luck
   — Brandi M.

February 27, 2004
Yep,,,,I have had to have 5 and all of them but the last one was horrible.....I was awake through it all,felt and remembered everything about it.Because of the versed that they give you are not suppose to remember a thing.Finally for the last one I asked them to up the dosage of meds and things went the way they are supposed to go.
   — jennifer A.

February 27, 2004
I am the queen of endescopes!!! 7 strictures and 7 egds. My first two were not pleasant.= I had to drive myself, so couldn't be "knocked out". The other 5 went well. I had alot of versed and other IV drugs, because I had someone to drive me. The last 5 were like taking a nap, not rembering anything, until I woke up. Not bad at all with versed and other IV drugs. Just have someone drive you, so you can get alot of versed, etc., and you won't remember anything, ulike the first 2 I had!!! Best of luck, proximal........June 23, 2003.......295/194/170
   — Kathy R.

February 27, 2004
Yes!! I too had a terrible one. I have had a total of 3 and the first 2 were nothing, they knocked me out completely. The 3rd one, however, was not so pleasant. I had to be sent to a different hospital and doctor because of the massive amount of swelling I had going on. They did not sedate me enough and I remember being awake through the entire thing, gagging and trying to motion to the staff that "hello, I am awake here". Needless to say, I would not return to that hospital to have another EGD done. Make sure you get enough meds and it should be fine. Good luck!
   — Jeannie4

February 28, 2004
Hi, I've had two strictures/two endoscopies. The first one wasn't too bad except I woke up during the last minute of the procedure. No pain, just gagging. The second one I expected the same: to be knocked out. They even started intravenus drugs but to my horror, I was WIDE awake not even doped up in the least. That was really not a good experience. When I saw the insurance statement later it indicated that no anesthesia was used!! So they planned it that way without telling me. If I ever had to go for a third time I would definetely insist on being knocked-out. I had a person drive me each time at the hospital's insistance because of the anesthesia. Which made me mad because I had to haul a neighbor with me the second time to drive and really it, was for nothing. Renee
   — ReneeJune03

February 28, 2004
Mae, the same thing happened to me, and I believe the person who prep me did not sedate me properly. You should speak to your doctor and ask that the same person does not do it. I had one prior and felt nothing - but my pre-op endoscope preparation still haunts me.
   — Anna M.

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