Does physical trainer qualify if ins co is asking for 5 year diet history?

My insurance company is asking for a 5 year diet history (which they have already been provided) along with 26 weeks of supervised diets...would a physical trainer who is nationally credited be acceptable? Or would they also need other info?    — Giovanna G. (posted on April 15, 2004)

April 15, 2004
Absolutely! Don't see how it couldn't. Good Luck to you!
   — Michele B.

April 15, 2004
As part of the 5-year diet history, they might accept it. As part of the supervised diet, I'm not so sure. Insurances are getting more and more particular with a doctor supervised diet, or a diet suprvised by a licensed nutritionist or dietician. I would double check with other people who have your particular insurance and be sure. Good luck!
   — Shayna T.

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