What about a last meal

My surgeon's instructions are to eat or drink nothing after midnight. My family and I are planning on eating an early supper 5 or 6 of Italian food ( my favorite). This just seems kind of wrong to me. What do you guys think?? I was also wondering if I should do some kind of enema or something before my surgery to kind of "clean everything out" I obviously will check with the nurse but as always cherish all of your advise. By the way, speedy response will be greatly appreciated. I am leaving Mon (12th) afternoon and will check bevore I leave Thanks    — Faith B. (posted on July 9, 2004)

July 9, 2004
Have your "last meal" the day before the eve of your surgery. My surgeon wanted me to have a small meal finished by 7pm the night before my surgery. You don't want all that food in your intestines when you are undergoing surgery in that area. Bad stuff.
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 9, 2004
I agree with the last post. Have your meal two days before surgery. That way you will have no problems. I was told to eat a liquid diet the day before my surgery. I had to take a laxitive. It was done before bed that night. My mother had to take three the day before. She had to space them out throu the day. Remember all dr's are different. Yours may give you an enema in the hospital. Good luck.
   — Cameron Van Winkle

July 9, 2004
My Dr had me on full liquids a week before surgery, and clear liquids 2 days before. Has your Dr given you instructions like that? If not, I still wouldn't have anything too heavy the day before. Good Luck to you.
   — KellyJeanB

July 9, 2004
I wouldnt do that. My Dr. advise me that 2 weeks prior to my surgery I am to go on a high protein diet and 2 days prior to the surgery clear liquids. I would call you Dr. just to find out. You dont want anything complicating your surgery good luck!
   — srtchick

July 9, 2004
Is your wls lap or open? It could be the difference. Maybe your surgeon is one of those who will just suction all the undigested food out of you when you're open. My surgeon said npo after midnight and no bowel prep but I had been eating light for 3 days anyway. I had my RNY open. If a person is having wls lap, that is probably the reason for liquid and clear diet for a week or 2 before surgery. Hard and time consuming to suction out food through a lap port. You're leaving Monday, for, I assume, surgery on Tuesday?, have that Italian meal on Saturday and enjoy! Have salads and soups and tons of water on Sunday and Monday.
   — mary ann T.

July 9, 2004
The mistake I made pre op was thinking each meal was my "last meal" I can tell you that this will NOT be your last. I would stick to the light or liquid meal as its better before a abdominal surgery. You WILL be able to eat all your favs again...PROMISE!! My DR didn't require a bowel prep, check with yours to see what the plan is. Best of luck!
   — ZZ S.

July 9, 2004
My surgery is on Monday the 19th and I have to take 1.5 oz of Phospo soda Saturday morning and nothing but clear liquids from that point on! They told me this would give them a better view (lap) and so that there would be no undigested food left in my old stomach. I am having my favorite meal on Friday the 16. Good luck to you!!
   — jennifer S.

July 9, 2004
I had a lap RNY 17 months ago, with no prep other than having nothing to eat or drink after midnight of the night before surgery. Not a planned thing, but my husband and I ended up being out for dinner for the 4 nights before surgery---Chinese, steak, Italian then Thai. I healed well with no ill effects. I would though, follow the advice of your doctor.
   — Fixnmyself

July 9, 2004
I'm just 6 weeks post-op and the day before my surgery was all liquids. You may need to consider having this meal tonight instead of tomorrow. They want your system cleansed and empty so that when they cut into your intestinal tract it should be empty.. This way it reduces the chance of getting an infection inside your body from foreign gunk floating around. 3 years ago I had to have an emergency surgery because the surgeon cut my esophagus in half while doing lap surgery and the nurses kept telling me to eat and drink, I'd feel better and be able to go home sooner. I did and felt worse.. I convinced them to keep me an do more test to see WHY I WAS SO SICK.. They did a barium swallow and found my esophagus cut, therefore all that I had been drinking and eating was floating in my abdominal cavity. I was back in surgery where they OPENED me up just like for GBP surgery. This was to repair the esophagus and to clean me out so that peritenitis didn't set in.. Then stayed in intensive care for 11 days. NOT FUN.. Im sorry I was so long winded, but thats one reason you need to be CLEANED OUT. Second reason is because your intestines go to sleep to when you are put to sleep. It takes them several days sometimes to wake up and get bowel sounds again.... I would have my final dinner tonight. You can eat & drink "liguids" up until midnight so have yourself a cup of broth or popsickles before going to bed.. BEST WISHES TO YOU AND HOPE YOU HAVE A SPEEDY RECOVERY.. TAKE CARE
   — smoore_911

July 9, 2004
I also drank a SMALL bottle of magnesium citrate.. Lemon flavor.. It tasted like lemonade the day before surgery. I stared it about 5pm. My last an final BM was at the hospital while in the holding area. It is a mild intestinal tract cleaner
   — smoore_911

July 10, 2004
I was advised NOT to do the infamous "last supper" the night before. It was recommended that if you wanted to do it, do it at least 10 days before your surgery. Of course they told me this 4 days before, but oh well. I was very intent on have all the sugar out of my liver so that my surgery would not be so complicated. Good luck to you on your endeavor. I haven't regretted one moment.
   — Donna T.

July 10, 2004
I was put on a clear liguids diet for the two days prior to surgery. My surgery was on a Monday so on Saturday I started clear liquids and drank some Fleet phosphate laxative, something that cleaned me out. I then could have nothing after midnight Sunday.
   — jforten

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