Has anyone used Goody's Headache Powder?

I know this is more of a regional thing, but is this a good alternative to regular asprin? I know that it can be placed on the tounge or dissolved in water.    — RhondaShoemaker (posted on October 15, 2004)

October 15, 2004
I use to live on BC, Goody's and Stanback powder aspirin! Now that I have had surgery my surgeon says its a NO NO! I had the DS done and since a portion of my stomach is gone he explained that if I were to get ulcers and if they became severe that the way they are fixed are by cutting them out of your stomach. Since I don't have much of one left, I have to use an alternative. Mine have been mainly prescibed. Lyric
   — Lyric

October 15, 2004
I also was a former Goody user (it was the ONLY thing that would help the horrrible headaches I had before RNY - as a side note, my surgeon said some research shows that the excess weight might contribute to headaches - the chunk of flesh on the back of the neck that looks like a pack of hot dogs interferes with blood supply to the brain, but I digress, sorry!) Anyway, normal Goody powders are no good -they contain aspirin and caffeine. The doctor discouraged me from using them years ago because they are really bad on normal stomaches, much less ours. The Goody PMs are OK - they are acetaminophen (like Tylenol). For regular headaches, I take the Excedrin QuickTabs (acetaminophen and caffeine). They taste kind of nasty (it's bitter), but, if the headache is bad enough, I would take ANYTHING.
   — Debra R.

October 17, 2004
I also use Excedrin Quicktabs. They desolve before you swallow them. They are GREAT! One bit of bad news is most retailers have quit stocking them. I know have to order them from the Walmart pharmasist. They have been very kind and have gotten them in 24 hours after I order them. They are the only form of Excedren that does not contain asprin (asprin is a huge NO NO). Good luck, Ramona
   — rowdyramona

November 1, 2004
Please don't use Goody's! I talked to a surgeon last week who told me he had one (unnamed) patient almost die from using Goody's after a gastric bypass. The aspirin content can cause severe bleeding. I use Tylenol, and asked my surgeon about what to use for more severe pain that Tylenol doesn't help. He told me I could get away with using ibuprofen rarely, but don't get into a habit of using it. I might use it once in a month, for cramps, but not more than that. Also, if my tummy is unsettled at all or showing signs of irritation (nausea even with bland foods) I tough it out with the pain and don't take anything stronger than Tylenol. If you have frequent pain that needs more than that, ask your surgeon what is safe for you. The guiding principle I follow is that my new tummy is more fragile than it used to be and I need to take really good care of it, like not doing anything that will irritate it if I can help it. Best of luck!
   — Chyrl W.

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