almost 3 yrs post : Still wanting to loss 30 pounds It just won't go away

   — Stacie B. (posted on January 6, 2005)

January 5, 2005
You are not alone! At almost 3 years post op I would say "Welcome to the world of the normal person". The honeymoon period is over and now, just like normal people, you will have to put yourself on a healthy eating and exercise plan and work hard for those last 30 pounds. You can do it if you put your mind to it. Get back to basics and drink plenty of fluids and exercise regularly. Like I said, Welcome to the real world. It's a rude awakening, huh? Don't give up on yourself - you deserve to get all the way to goal. Best wishes!
   — ronascott

January 6, 2005
Stacie, your profile has nothing in it so no clue what you weigh now, if you are at a reasonable weight now and perhaps 30 more pounds is unrealistic, what you are eating, how often, are you exercising, protein and water intake?? I am very close to 3 years post-op too and at goal, well, more like 5-7 pounds over right now thanks to the holidays. Between year 2 and 3, I have had this happen a few times, love my snacks, but I know what I have to do to get it back down there. Its not rocket science. To lose 5-7 or 30 in your case, you have to take in less calories and/or increase the exercise to burn what you are taking in. Whatever weight you want to be keep in mind that if you diet to lose 30, you will have to continue to eat that reduced # of calories per day or keep up that exercise level to keep your body at that reduced weight. So, I like to tell those looking for their ideal goal weight, and especially if you like to eat and snack like I do, pick a reasonable weight or size to be. If you want to be a size 4, you will have to eat very little and exercise alot in most cases to stay there. Is that realistic for you? Now go update the profile, girl!!
   — Cindy R.

January 7, 2005
Stacie, I am just over 2 years post op and trying to lose 30 lbs, also. Not an unrealistic goal to me, and still puts me above where the heaight/weight charts say I "should" be. I have started to lose again, albeit, slowly. (Had a little regain over New Years/vacation, but that's almost gone.) I really think you need to figure out what works for you, and is sustainable. I have found I just have to cut calories. I try to get my protein from food, rather than protein shakes, as I found I couldn't lose and do 2-3 shakes a day to get in 60 grams of protein. I still take all my vitamins and minerals, and I exercise 3 times per week, weights and cardio. (Until my baby - 110 lb Rottweiler boy - heals up from ACL repair surgery and we can get back to walking every day in addition to the other at the gym!) It's not any easier to lose it now than before surgery, but it's "only" 30 lbs, and not 100+lbs.
   — koogy

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