Has anyone had both tummy tuck and (hernia)-incisional repaired?

I am going in to have a incisional heria as well has a tummy tuck done in about 7 weeks. could anyone share their experience if they have had this done too. What can i expect--specifically painwise after surgery and pain comparison vs open bypass? How should i prepare-specifcially exercisewise? How long is recovery period-specifically when did you go back to work and when can you start to workout again? How do you look now? B/w I had bypass aug 2003 (21months) started around 400lbs and now 200lbs. Feeling great but not looking great without clothes. Not vain but worked very hard to get where i am at and now want to work on details. You all know when you get there how it is! LET ME KNOW..thanks    — manalden55 (posted on April 27, 2005)

April 27, 2005
I had a hernia repair (large), as well as a tummy tuck at the same time back in June of last year. I will tell you "FOR ME" the hernia repair was the most painful! I never felt the tummy tuck, but I really cant tell you which hurt worse, the hernia or WLS.... But I assure you, I would lay in the floor right now, and do it again! My tummy is flat, we didnt get to tighten the muscles, but it still looks good. (well if I didnt have the stretch As for time off, I took an entire month off. Basically because I have two children, work at the hospital and I was SICK and tired of seeing the place! I wish you all the best in the world, its not easy, but its well worth it! You can see my before and afters on my profile if you like. Good luck, and trust me, in a month or so... You will forget the pain!
   — Donna A.

April 27, 2005
I had a very large incisional hernia. I did not have a tuck done at the same time. It was extremely painful and I'm not a wimp. I was back to work after my open rny within 2 1/2 weeks...back to work after the hernia in one week. I work in marketing and I am on the road or working at my desk. I did not lift over 8 lbs for 6+weeks. My incision was 3 inches shorter than my rny scar. I also developed alot of fluid near/under the incision. If I leaned my stomach against my kitchen counter ...the fluid would come out. I started cardio workouts within 2 weeks after surgery...after the first week I was just basically walking.. I did not do strength training for at least 8 weeks after surgery. I had mesh put in and experienced phantom pains for up to 3 months after surgery. Dont let this scare you! It is a very necessary surgery as far as the repair...get it done! Best wishes to you
   — debmi

April 28, 2005
Hi Dennis. I haven't had my TT yet, I'm still pending approval from the insurance company, but I have had the same ventral hernia repaired twice. The first time it was awful!! I think the surgeon used too much air to inflate my belly and I looked about 14 months pregnant until my body absorbed all of the air (2 months). I ws only off work for 1 week and had a staple line disruption so I had to get it redone. I got it done at the same time of my VBG and I was up and movign around 2 days after surgery, no major pain at all!!! It was a breeze. I thought they had just given me better meds because I couldn't believe how great I felt. I hope the TT is not paineful. I hope this pist helps!! Good luck nd best wishes.
   — Jae117

April 28, 2005
In 2001(Feb) I had a hysterecmoy and it was the most painfull thing in the world. Then the following Dec. I had to have a hernia repair and they did a TT at the same time. The Dr. said that it was the largest hernia that he had ever see or heard about 14 inches. It really wasn't bad though I was back on my feet in a few days and back to work in a 6 week. Am on my feet all the time so took a little extra time. Take as much time as you can you will heal better if you take you time and go back to things slowly. Good Luck.
   — Peggy R.

April 30, 2005
I had my open RNY in August of 03. After losing nearly 200 pounds I decided to have a tummy tuck. I also had a hernia repair at the same time. I heard so many horror stories of the pain I would have that I was scared to death. I remembered all too well the pain and complications I had with my RNY. I was so pleasantly surprised after my tummy tuck. Of course, I was uncomfortable for a few days but I had very little pain at all. It's healing nicely and I'm very pleased with the results.
   — Rhonda Y.

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