I have post-op pain in one on the ports from the Lap.Its a sharp pain when I move?

   — Liz B. (posted on February 14, 2000)

February 14, 2000
I don't know how recently your surgery was, but I had mine on Jan 10th. All of the little incisions healed very quickly except one. I had a lot more pain from this one. When I went back to my doctor for my first checkup, I told him one spot still hurt. He pointed out the one that hurt without me telling him. He said that one would hurt the longest, because that is the one that they do all of the actual work in, and manipulate the muscles more. I also had a sharp pain in it a few days after, and the doctor said I may have pulled on an adhesion. Hope this helps, but make sure to call your doctor if it gets worse
   — Linda S.

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