
I want to give a big hug to all the people who spend hours and hours on this site. It has been a valueable resourse and tool for making my decisions for my WLS. I have made some of the best friends and have helped start our Springfield Illinois support group... and it is because of meeting people on this site. Thank you Thank you Thank YouQ Coleen Moore 2-26-2000    — Coleen M. (posted on February 26, 2000)

February 26, 2000
I too have learned so much and do appreciate this site. It has helped me to be encouraged to continue with my decision for WLS. I have learned more from the postings and answers than I could ever have from a doctor who had never gone thru it. I admire each and every person who has had the courage to make this change in their lives. My new life has yet to start. I am anxious yet apprehensive at the same time. My surgury is set for March 24. I hope everyone keeps on posting so I can have the courage to go on by knowing that others have experienced the things that I am going to.
   — Janice T.

February 26, 2000
Hi Coleen: I agree! This site is wonderful! When I first found it and joined, there were less than 700 members. Now it's over 7,000! Just think of all the insight and support that is! This is where I learned what my options were, what to ask the doctors I decided to visit, got great suggestions on what to bring to the hospital (and what NOT to bring), and also learned the 'down side' of WLS. I've made friends here, and grieved when I lost one of them to complications from WLS. Only people who have been there (morbid obesity) can understand what we go through. I thank God for this site, for Eric, for the members, for my doctor, the fabulous, talented and caring David Greenbaum, and for the support and friendships that I've gained by being a member here. Jaye Carl, RN, open proximal RNY 7-29-99, 94 pounds gone forever!
   — Jaye C.

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