Has anybody tried the inches off body Wraps to firm and tighten loose skin ?

I have an appt @ this body Wrap place in May to try it. I just would like to know if anyone else had.    — Dyan T. (posted on April 17, 2001)

April 17, 2001
I haven't heard of this but wonder if its like something that was done in the 80s which was a plastic like wrapping of your body which helped to reduce size etc.. it basically helped remove water and you could easily lose a size or so.. but I would wonder about the ability to help your skin to become more elasticized or bounce back better. If it works I would be very interested in hearing more about this. Good luck.
   — Dawn R.

April 17, 2001
Hi, I am 9 1/2 months postop open rny down 134 pounds from 329. I am only 23, but I am fair complected, so at 329 pounds, and after the birth of my son, I accumulated lots of stretch marks! Now that I have lost this much weight, all of this skin is really starting to sag! In Feb. I decided to try a body wrap and see if it would work, it did. I lost 16 inches allover in 1 hour! It wasn't temporary either, I measured myself a week later and it was still gone! You can have it done as often as once a week, if you can afford it, but once a month is okay too. I wanted to start going every month, but the girl that did mine quit :-( so now I have to find someone else. A girl I know here in my town was going, she hadn't had wls, and wasn't even dieting, she lost over 100 inches allover, from a 16/18 to a size 8, but she was going every two weeks. They wrap you in very warm ace bandage type wraps soaked in a special solution of detoxifying agents as tight as you can stand it from ankle to shoulders (my mom even had her face wrapped, what a sight!), then we put on plastic sweat type suits on top, and then laid on a message table for 45 minutes, and then they were removed. From what the brochure says, the heat opens up your pours and then the solutions seep through to your fat cells, penetrate them, and forces them to be flushed out through your lymph system. I know it sounds kinda out there, but hey, it worked for me, so who cares how it works, right? I had not lost in my calves at all since surgery, weird huh, anyways, when I had the wrap, I finally lost a half inch! Don't sound like much, but it adds up! I hope your experience is good, It may not work for some as well as others. I would be skeptical if I were not losing weight anyway, and only depending on this as a weight loss method, but I think it is a good way to firm little trouble areas.
   — Kelly P.

April 3, 2002
I did try an "inches off" body wrap and it most definitely did NOT work. I took the precaution of measuring myself in several places (upper arm, bust, waist, hips, thigh) prior to my appt. At the salon I was measured in no fewer than 14 places (that's one arm, one leg, not duplicate measurements for each side). Spent more than an hour wrapped tightly as a mummy, to the point where breathing was difficult. Gave me a real taste of what life was like when corsets were required undergarments! Did aerobics for an hour while wrapped, despite lack of breath. Post wrap, more measurements were taken. Lo & behold, with just a little finagling, they were able to show that I had "lost" the minimum guarantee of 6 inches overall. Well... you do the math. It doesn't take much to be able to show 6 inches lost when you've got so many proof points. A little looser on the intake measurement and a little tighter on the post-wrap measurement and it isn't hard to add it all up. However, when I got home I measured and did NOT see a difference. And I still look like a Sharpei (those wrinkly dogs). I've lost 135 lbs, gone from a size 24 to a size 10... and if the worst of my troubles is some loose skin... I guess I can live with it. Anyway, I am only 18 months post-op, weight loss has tapered off significantly but inches are still coming off and toning is proceeding nicely... it's possible that further "tightening up" will happen. Don't waste your money on body wraps!
   — Loren B.

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